Anybody own a Taurus G3X?

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May 26, 2006
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South Central Oklahoma.
Jokes aside...

24/7, Millennium Pro, G2, G3,

It's all the same design with mild cosmetic changes. These guns are known for working. They have ****** spongy triggers that won't inspire any confidence at marksmanship, but with any decent ammo they will go bang. They like the hot stuff. Solid little pistols.

If you consider the timing of their release to market, Taurus has actually been WAY ahead of the curve. I haven't done the math, but I remember a time when the 12+1 mill pro was beating the pants off the (then new) G26 for less than 1/2 the price, 2/3 the weight, and 2/3 the size. And from it's moment to market, there were already 17 rnd extended mags available that it inherited from it's predecessor.

I've edc'd 3 of the series, and given away 4 as gifts for first time gun owners, which I introduced to firearms.

For your stated purpose though..GED, I too would suggest the SV9. You aren't worried about concealment, right?

Nope. It will be a dedicated HD pistola.


Special Hen
Feb 21, 2022
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After everybody's awesome comments, I think I'll just pick up another Glock. After carrying a Glock for 30+ years, why would I trust my life (or my family's) to anything else. :ugh2:

A big thanks to all who commented. :thanku:
Fine! But just don't come whining to us when you end up with a dead guy in the living room instead of just a pi$$ed off slightly wounded one! You've been warned! :rollingla


Special Hen
May 20, 2015
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Liberty Mounds
I know, I know...Taurus. :puke:

But it seems like with the G2 and G3 series of pistols, Taurus has had a kinda rebirth or something. They don't seem like the Taurus of old.

Anyway, I was thinking about buying a G3X just for spare pistol in my living room. I try to keep a pistol in basically every room of my house, because...well...ya just never know! :anyone: But I wasn't wanting to drop $400 or $500 on a pistol that won't get much use, but I didn't want a POS Hi-Point either.

So how 'bout it? Anybody own one and can honestly say they are junk? Or are they truly a hidden gem? Small and compact, no thumb safety or de-cocker to mess with, accepts Glock night sights and features a full size grip and 15 round mag? What's not to like? I don't plan on carrying it, but I want something that everybody in my house knows how to use, if the need arises.


I have one, I like how it fits in my hand but I haven`t fired it...


Conservitum Americum
Special Hen
Jan 19, 2019
Reaction score
No, I said I wanted something that everybody knows how to use, not that everybody will learn how. There's a difference. Don't believe me, try to teach someone that doesn't want to learn.

Mrs. GED has no desire to learn how to shoot. But she does know that you hold it here, point it there and pull on that little dingus to make it go bang.
Wish someone would pull my dingus and make it go bang.

🙏 :naughty:

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