Funny story. On the way home tonight I was thinking about whether or not my Knoxx stock would fit on my brothers mossberg mavrick 88. So I get home and ask him if I can take a look at it. I take it apart and look at it and see that yes it will. I don't like it on my 835 because of the location of the safety so I offer it to him if he likes it. He immediately starts acting funny and takes off while I continue to put the stock on his gun, and soon returns with a new mossberg 500 with heat shield, pistol grip, 18 in barrel, etc. Apparently since I was messing with his, he was afraid that I was about to go out and buy a new one for myself, so to prevent it he went ahead and gave me my present early lol. Now I need to hurry and find his, I'll post in the WTB section later to see if anyone has some ideas.