Covid Scam

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Special Hen
Aug 13, 2012
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Naturally, people with comorbidities died more easily from Covid. The most common was obesity & diabetes. However, not having any comorbidities didn’t keep you safe from Covid. Plenty of healthy young people also died.
Ok, I don’t mean any disrespect or maybe I do, but you’ve towed the company line (ie govt propaganda) since covid started. At some point you’ve got to pull your head out of your ass and admit you got lied to.
Your same old talking points have gotten stale, and no one here can take you seriously when most of what you’re saying has been PROVEN FALSE.


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Special Hen Supporter
May 17, 2020
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This really rich coming from you.
You rarely provide medical links or scientific proof.

When others counter you with actual PubMed scientific papers, you dismiss it with your old go-to emotional knee-jerk reaction:
"I worked in the hospital! I've talked to doctors! I've seen people die! I know things....." Insinuating your opinion matters more.
A large majority of your (medical) responses are anecdotal also. The few threads you posted PubMed were "limited" in value.

...Say, ...didn't you retire?
When do you stop towing the hospital line?
Again not true.
- Rarely provide links? I’ve provided a medical link in this very thread-see post #63. Have you?
- I don’t think my opinion matters more. But when someone replies to me saying something the opposite of what I’ve seen at work, I’ll give that example of my experiences- just like others do from their experiences from their work.
-never towed the hospital line. Just giving a perspective from someone who worked it during the pandemic. When people say stuff that is flat false & I know that because I just witnessed the opposite the same day at work, I’ll speak up.

Just ignore the thread if you don’t like what you read


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Special Hen Supporter
May 17, 2020
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Ok, I don’t mean any disrespect or maybe I do, but you’ve towed the company line (ie govt propaganda) since covid started. At some point you’ve got to pull your head out of your ass and admit you got lied to.
Your same old talking points have gotten stale, and no one here can take you seriously when most of what you’re saying has been PROVEN FALSE.
Towing the company line, govt propaganda? See post #75 where I said The cdc is corrupt, the govt botched the pandemic, vax & mask mandates were BS & Fauci should be in jail.
lol how absurd.
Most is false? Like what?


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Dec 8, 2015
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Lincoln county


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Feb 12, 2009
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Under your bed
Towing the company line, govt propaganda? See post #75 where I said The cdc is corrupt, the govt botched the pandemic, vax & mask mandates were BS & Fauci should be in jail.
lol how absurd.
Most is false? Like what?
Towing the company line like telling me that 3 cases where I had covid for less than a day after taking ivermectin is only anecdotal. It's not a case study with 100 people so it's a coincidence.
I don't believe in coincidence and of the 3 times, had the ivermectin only had a positive effect one time, I wouldn't think it's a cure. But when I have the same results in under 15 hours and felt fine, 3 different times, that's hard to not believe it cured me. And many others have said the same. I tested positive the last time, took ivermectin and 24 hours later tested negative. That's proof enough for me other than the fact that some test can be false. But I felt it coming on so I don't believe I got a false positive. Then I felt great the next day so I don't think I got a false negative.
Put that in your pipe and toke up.


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Special Hen Supporter
Jun 25, 2009
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Towing the company line, govt propaganda? See post #75 where I said The cdc is corrupt, the govt botched the pandemic, vax & mask mandates were BS & Fauci should be in jail.
lol how absurd.
Most is false? Like what?

Sigh...... Sure Bob.
I guess we all must have misunderstood you all this time.

You were flat out ugly in early covid days.
People were asking questions and posting alternative options trying to avoid the jab. YOU were the one scouring any alternate methods, saying "Show me proof, where's the study, it's fake, vaccine injuries aren't reliable data, etc, etc".

You may have changed your mind on some things since then, but people remember.

Then, years later, PubMed has done the studies and trials that supports the original thoughts. When people mentions their observations (which is NOW supported by PubMed) - then you come on full-blast belittling the persons observations and you saying "my opinion is better then your opinion, because X" - all while towing the big pharma line!

Doing what you're currently doing will only reinforce others perception of you. Your best option is to tone it waaaay down, be respectful, and give the other opinion some standing.

There's a lot of discontent towards you, and It'll take a long time to undo your damage.
You've made your bed, now sleep in it.

Wise words: "Just ignore the thread if you don’t like what you read."
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Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
May 17, 2020
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Towing the company line like telling me that 3 cases where I had covid for less than a day after taking ivermectin is only anecdotal. It's not a case study with 100 people so it's a coincidence.
I don't believe in coincidence and of the 3 times, had the ivermectin only had a positive effect one time, I wouldn't think it's a cure. But when I have the same results in under 15 hours and felt fine, 3 different times, that's hard to not believe it cured me. And many others have said the same. I tested positive the last time, took ivermectin and 24 hours later tested negative. That's proof enough for me other than the fact that some test can be false. But I felt it coming on so I don't believe I got a false positive. Then I felt great the next day so I don't think I got a false negative.
Put that in your pipe and toke up.
“ like telling me that 3 cases where I had covid for less than a day after taking ivermectin is only anecdotal.”

Um, that’s the very definition of anecdotal….

You can believe it’s a cure. I don’t & no IVM scientific studies ever done back up your anecdotal claims. I even posted the latest research. If you believe you had Covid & was cured in less than a day with IVM, thats your prerogative.
However, I was only responding to your claim that IVM is a “proven cure” for Covid. There is no cure. And your story isn’t any evidence that it is a cure. Your claim is a logical fallacy, by definition.

Weve have this discussion many times over the years. You bring it up all the time & I say the same thing. If you believe you were cured, that’s ok w/me. But it’s not provable, scientific, or statistically significant. 😀
So, keep bringing it up & when you ask me about it again (like you did in post #83) I’m gonna say the same thing.
Till next time…
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