Daughter got a deer... :(

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Special Hen
Oct 9, 2007
Reaction score
Erica got a deer last night.

No pictures were taken due to him running away. But the drivers side of the car looks to have had a giant rolling pin run down the entire length.

The damage is not really bad, we have no choice but to put a new mirror on tomorrow and then make arrangements to get it fixed up when she is out of school for a bit.

Got to say I am happy she reacted as she did. 65mph and Bucky jumps in front of her. She told me she remembers why she rolled the ATV and the road she was on is about 10ft higher than the fields on both sides and she did not want to go down the embankment. She hit the brakes and ducked down. Bucky did his best to get the hell out of the way, he almost made it. The 45ft or so of skid marks went straight.

After I had checked the car and "forced" the door and fender apart so the door would open we were ready to follow her home to get a better look at the car. I bent the edge of the fender to save the door, not like it will be messed up any worse.

This is when she got spooked. It was about midnight and we had both just turned off our flashers when a truck pulled up. He drove by real slow and then backed up to talk to Erica. Ever run into one of those guys who give you that odd feeling and your hackles stand up. Yep this was one. I got out to tell him all was fine. He kept trying to talk to Erica, not to me. He was giving her advice about calling insurance numbers. He was a bit odd. Now I give Erica credit, she rolled the window up on the car, this made him talk to me. I had enough and just said to him we are fine, she is my Daughter, at that point he was ready to get gone. Makes me wonder.

Now comes the part where we get to the house to look at the car and I ask one of those stupid questions I am known and loved for. I asked Erica, "where is your can of pepper spray?" Yep right inside on her dresser. That stuff sure works well at home when you are parked 3 miles from the nearest street light. I bet she carries it more for at least a while that guy spooked her, she told us she rolled the window up because he made her feel weird.

We are off to get a mirror, silly thing is $90, electric and heated, Grandpa said he will pay for that so she is safe to drive. She will be paying him back in small amounts. Lucky for us the mirror snapped off and the wiring plug pulled loose, I hope it works right when I get a new one in place. Then she will be off to the body shops to get estimates on cost and time to do repairs.

Erica is fully aware of how bad this could have been, she saw my brothers car after he got a deer, total loss. I am just so happy that with this low car she did not take its legs out and have it come through the windshield.

Oh in the last week I have caught 4 deer vs car accidents on the security cameras that can see the highway, it is just that time of the year. Of the 4, 3 of them had to be towed away.


The Most Interesting Man in the World
Special Hen
Feb 15, 2013
Reaction score
Good deal that she just rode it in. and did not go off the road. I hit a deer a few years ago and it did nearly 5K worth of damage to a Tahoe. I bet the guy that pulled over was checking you out making sure she was safe, but it is always better cautious about anyone you don't know. Get her car fixed up and give her a hug.


Perpetually dissatisfied
Special Hen
Oct 23, 2009
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I've taken out 3 now with my Tahoe, first one had $3,300 damage. The last two were minor damage, I did the necessaries to keep it legal - new headlight, parking light, etc. I still need to have the bumper and fender replaced, but they're only mildly tweaked, so it has been a low priority.

Glad everything is ok and she kept her cool and kept it on the road. Swerving is a bad idea. Hopefully she learns from "Cooter" coming up and trying to sidle up to her to keep her defense up.

Good luck, man.


Special Hen
Dec 17, 2006
Reaction score
Wow, glad she is good. Those deer can really mess a car up. I know about those mirrors, my wife busted one pulling out of the garage. I just super glued it back together. Until we decided to sale the car, then we replaced it. $250 from the dealer and that's with me swapping it out. I about passed out.


Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Mar 1, 2006
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Enid, OK.
Wow. Glad she is OK. She did a good job! Yep, I know about that pepper spray. Basically went through the same thing with my daughter!


Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Feb 27, 2011
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Oklahoma City
I was confused by your sad face, because usually catching a deer is a good thing. Obviously not with your car.

Glad to hear everything turned out OK. Those deer can really mess up a car or hurt somebody.

remember, folks; Never swerve for an animal.

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