They are nasty creatures. When I lived in Pawnee county my German shepherd hating them as much as the ranchers. She would hole one of those things and bark like mad till I came out and shot it. I have never seen an animal that was able to plow rows through your yard so quickly and efficiently. Like a tiny little plow. I love shooting those nasty critters. I always heard their bellies were covered with diseases.
My most fond memory was shooting one as he ran away from me with an AR. He split right down the back like a samari had hit him. It was the craziest thing he was like a loaf a split top bread from tail to snout.
My most fond memory was shooting one as he ran away from me with an AR. He split right down the back like a samari had hit him. It was the craziest thing he was like a loaf a split top bread from tail to snout.