Does anyone else on the board not like 1911's?

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Special Hen
May 11, 2009
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I have pics, vids, etc of my "anecdotes".... so at least there's some reference that it happens. Quite a bit more believable than someone claiming the 1911 hasn't seen hard use over it's years of service. However, I honestly I do that to get the Grock fans all stirred up. :D I think posted a G30 and that's what's next to my G/F's side of the bed, so I'm really not that worried about it. I will say this, I drank the Koolaid too until I had a recent G22 that wouldn't run with a light. OKCPD I believe was having similar problems? It IS very interesting that a number of police depts have switched from .40 cal and .45 glocks back to 9mm because of reported problems.

I'm just relaying that a "glock" fan throwing stones, is in a HUGE glass house. :D

Ermey does too. Join Team Glock ya Jackwagon!!

Hathcock wasnt a Glock spokesperson. Ronnie Lee's opinion doesnt count.


Special Hen
Sep 19, 2009
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Ah yes, it's the patented anecdote that Redmax's family never carried one in WWII so obivously they never were used or put to any abuse. :D They were used and abused whether you like it or not, some frames saw 250k rounds.

Yep, there are a few in my family and I've shot others. Most of them rattle (which doesn't affect accuracy significantly) but they are all just as accurate as any modern day platform by my experiences. But it's not like I tested that out to 25yds or anything. I know 2 of them that were pre war examples that will outshoot any G21/G30 etc and that's speaking from ownership of said Grock platforms. Wouldn't you know it.... those older guns are less likely to go KB too.

The whole I can run my glock dry thing is laughable. I've seen a 1911 do the same thing..... eh... who cares? I'm not lazy and I actually clean and lube my guns. Not doing so with a carry weapon is retarded IMHO but YMMV, I like to eliminate as many variables as I can when it comes to my safety.

Trax, I think the GT threads got deleted.... here's one of the older HR threads with the results. The only guns that made it through the 1000round course with no failures was a Colt NRM, P239 and a G26. Steve, pay special attention to the G21. :D :D

This guy littlemac has done more than a few of these events and every year it drums up some heated debates. AS always you get guys from 1911 and Glock camps that put down their koolaid long enough to step up to the plate and have failures in the first few rounds. Neat events IMHO and it looks like fun.... however.... I don't intend on getting in any 1000rd firefights.
Dang, that sucks, it would have been an interesting read. I'll read the link though.
Gunny Carlos Hathcock prefered the G21 over the 1911. Just sayin.
You're killin' me Whitey...


Special Hen
Apr 30, 2009
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