Does It Come On All Of A Sudden? Arthritis

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Special Hen Supporter
Oct 27, 2012
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Here is my "after action report." I ordered and tried the Umary and after having taken one caplet approximately 6 hours ago, I can honestly report that I have only a "twinge" of pain and that is even in my failed knee replacement. Even the wife who took a caplet said her hands don't hurt.
Thank you Hank3356!


Special Hen
Mar 25, 2020
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Here is my "after action report." I ordered and tried the Umary and after having taken one caplet approximately 6 hours ago, I can honestly report that I have only a "twinge" of pain and that is even in my failed knee replacement. Even the wife who took a caplet said her hands don't hurt.
Thank you Hank3356!

Thanks for sharing!! That's THREE of ya now that say it helps. I'm gonna order some and see if it helps me. Even if it doesn't maybe it will help Scott.

So yes, thanks to @Hank5366 also!


Special Hen
Jun 4, 2009
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Here, but occasionally There.
Here is my "after action report." I ordered and tried the Umary and after having taken one caplet approximately 6 hours ago, I can honestly report that I have only a "twinge" of pain and that is even in my failed knee replacement. Even the wife who took a caplet said her hands don't hurt.
Thank you Hank3356!

Ditto here, but in our case, the wife has the arthritis in one of her thumbs, which can sometimes really make it hard for her to grip things.

So, I'll say thanks to @Hank5366 as well, just on the experiences you got.


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Special Hen Supporter
Oct 27, 2012
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I might add that the information on Umary indicates that it take "about" 3 days for it to take effect but that is not the case with the wife and I, it was within a few hours. I hate to say it but I hobbled around without Umary and with I can walk normally. The wife breaks them in half because she has a sensitive stomach. However, I am not gong to run any foot races-at least for the time being


Special Hen
Jun 4, 2009
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Here, but occasionally There.
I might add that the information on Umary indicates that it take "about" 3 days for it to take effect but that is not the case with the wife and I, it was within a few hours. I hate to say it but I hobbled around without Umary and with I can walk normally. The wife breaks them in half because she has a sensitive stomach. However, I am not gong to run any foot races-at least for the time being

Are there any nasty side effects for the Umary?


Special Hen
May 18, 2020
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Del City, OK
I've been active all of my life and worked like a machine on when I was younger. I worked circles around co-workers and received the same pay. I'll admit, I havent taken car eof my body as well as some have but lately, my knees have given out, shoulders hurt, ankles hurt, I've had a couple of joint replacements but now I'm hobbling around and I don't like it at all.
Does arthritis come on all of a sudden? I've ached before due to arthritis but at eighty it hit hard on the body.
Couldn't tell you. I first experienced it at age 17. Working on a barbed wire fence with my dad, lost the use of my hands to the point I couldn't hold a cup of hot coffee. Really wasn't much use at all that day. At age 19, was diagnosed with bilateral chondromalacia in the knees. That's a pre-arthritic condition. The USAF let me retrain from being an aircraft mechanic into still photography over it. I had bad knee pain from then until age 57 when shots of cockscomb extract suddenly ended my knee pain. I've had back pain since age 36. Been doing steroid injections alternating with nerve ablations for the past 5 years or so. Will be 69 in May. Last ablation was a couple months ago, lasted about 3 weeks. The injections usually last a bit longer. So do the ablations. I've been taking 150mg of oral Diclofenac sodium for a dozen years or so, and using the 1% gel topically a bit longer than that. Diclofenac has a long list of potentially bad side effects, but that stuff is black magic in a tube for the back & knee pain. Wife loves if her her back & knees, but doesn't tolerate it orally. I believe I'd be bed-ridden without it. And I'm still a young punk. :)


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Special Hen Supporter
Oct 27, 2012
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BillM: We've got to be caareful about taking medications, they are all metabolized int eh kidneys and some are very hard on the renal system. i had a friend who passed away due to taking prescribed medications. Regualr lab tests have to be done to make sure things are goign ok. The VA (a PA) put me on Dilantin for a suspected seizure and I had liver failure and almost coraked until i saw a docotr and told him my sympptoms and he took me off the Dilantina and the liver vales returned to normal. So be careful out there!


Special Hen
Jan 9, 2021
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Oklahoma City
First try a quality multivitamin, like Youngevity Tangy Tangerine, any flavor. Might take some time to turn around. Also I heard pregnenolone was used in the past to treat arthritis. I'm taking both. Can be found in the Real Red Pill from


Special Hen
May 18, 2020
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Del City, OK
BillM: We've got to be caareful about taking medications, they are all metabolized int eh kidneys and some are very hard on the renal system. i had a friend who passed away due to taking prescribed medications. Regualr lab tests have to be done to make sure things are goign ok. The VA (a PA) put me on Dilantin for a suspected seizure and I had liver failure and almost coraked until i saw a docotr and told him my sympptoms and he took me off the Dilantina and the liver vales returned to normal. So be careful out there!
I get liver function panels regularly. And this is only half a joke: In my family, we depend on heart attacks to save us from the cancer. All four grandparents died from heart failure of one sort or another. Mom died of ovarian cancer, and dad had surgery to replace a valve in his heart. They were going to check a spot on his lung, and another on his tongue, but decided to pass on that. And an unsuspected dental infection ate the heart valve. He spent his last month alive in ICU with cascading systemic failures, but the heart is what finally did him in.

He was heavy drinker for decades, heavy smoker for a few less decades. Had his first heart attack at age 50, missed, IIRC, one of having a heart attack each year for the final 22 years of his life. Died at age 77. I'm 68, still haven't had my first heart attack... Though that could happen before I finish typing this sentence. Nope, not yet! ;) I smoked for a few months as a teenager, and had a 3-drink limit for my early adult life. Too many drunks and druggies in the family. Didn't want to be one of them. And I've never really LIKED the taste of alcohol. I'll occasionally have a drink with my wife while we watch a movie, and I take a sip of her drink once in a while. But we've got a gallon bottle of red wine here somewhere that has been in the house for several months, and not even been opened yet. Sometimes, a cold beer sounds good. Particularly after doing yardwork. Grandpa loved a cold beer after yardwork, and I guess I get that from him. But it's been a couple of years since the last six-pack I bought for my own or my wife's use. Mostly I have better things to spend my money one. Machine tools. Firearms. Gunpowder & primers... ;)

The one thing I've learned in my life is that nobody lives forever. I'm already 38 years older than I expected to get to be, so I'm not gonna worry about it. I'm trying to lose some weight (247.2lbs as of yesterday morning) because it would be easier on my back and knees if I were somewhat lighter. I used to have a case a day Coke™ habit. That's 3600 calories a day just in caffeinated sugar water... These days I drink the Mango Venom™ but it's only one or two cans, and not every day. Or a lot of Earl Grey tea. I used to live like there's no tomorrow. Now I live like I need to take care of my wife and autistic son. I have miles to go, and promises to keep.


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Special Hen Supporter
Jan 3, 2011
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Tulsa Oklahoma
I personally use boswellia and turmeric (good brands). They have been life savers for me. Not sure I trust a nonprescrition Mexican formulation (even fewer regulations than our supplement industry).

I've taken Hyalluronic Acid before and didn't notice any effect on pain so I'm assuming it is the turmeric, MSM, chondroitin, etc. that's helping there (or some unknown additive?). For one pill to be that powerful (850mg) I'm concerned there is something unlisted in there - you know... like how they found the Viagra drug in some supplements for enhanced sex life way back when?

For those who decide to use it I hope it works out good for you and that there are no "hidden ingredients" to mess with your liver.

P.S. I found Umary on ebay pretty cheap ($16.99) with free shipping. Pretty fast shipping too (mine will be here in 3 days...).
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