Drug dogs in school parking lots

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Dec 20, 2009
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No tellin'
Next, there is a punishment in our country for refusing is not graduating from high school, getting GED, online charter schools, or having non-qualified parent try to home school a student; the punishment is called poverty, with males it goes hand in hand with prison and females, teenage pregnancies failed marriages, and their children continue that cycle.

The "punishment" for my children being homeschooled by my "non-qualified" wife has been perfect scores on sections of the ACT, full-ride scholarships, and so forth. My 2 oldest were financially successful before reaching the age of majority. I thank God none of them saw as much as a single day of public school.


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Jan 10, 2014
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The "punishment" for my children being homeschooled by my "non-qualified" wife has been perfect scores on sections of the ACT, full-ride scholarships, and so forth. My 2 oldest were financially successful before reaching the age of majority. I thank God none of them saw as much as a single day of public school.

Thats great and I congratulate you, your wife, and your children. However they don't have a patent on success just because they are home schooled. Thousands of public school students in Oklahoma duplicate their success every year. Both of my sons were academic all state students. Both are now engineers. One graduated Magna Cum Laude from one of the finest engineering schools in the US. He is now CEO and President of a mining company here in the US. The other is a manager/superintendent of the largest surface mine east of the Mississippi.

I suspect you were excellent parents that stressed excellence. Your children held you in high regard and placed a value on education because of your parenting. They were also probably self disciplined and had very good aptitude. GREAT stuff sir. You have every right to be proud of them


The Most Interesting Man in the World
Special Hen
Feb 15, 2013
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Then your wife was not non-qualified. I do not see your point.

The "punishment" for my children being homeschooled by my "non-qualified" wife has been perfect scores on sections of the ACT, full-ride scholarships, and so forth. My 2 oldest were financially successful before reaching the age of majority. I thank God none of them saw as much as a single day of public school.


The Most Interesting Man in the World
Special Hen
Feb 15, 2013
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I never said there was not good alternatives, which is why I said non-qualified.
You are obviously a great parent with an awesome wife. Do you think the average family, in Oklahoma, has the ability to homeschool their kids and get the same results as your family did?
I do not care for everything in our public education system either. I hate the idea and reasons for common core. Many schools have advisory programs to teach students morals and values. I do not want to teach someone elses kids my values, and I don't want them teaching there's to mine. PreK is strictly intended to teach children a value system, which promotes a political agenda. The reading list many schools use, teach kids a liberal agenda. Many of our social studies textbooks our state uses are academically dishonest about everything from history to economics and how those are related to government.
I can go on, but you get my point.
I think there are great options to public school, but public school is the best option for the majority of our nation.
As long as we are bragging about our kids, my daughters learned concepts at school, which we taught them how to use those concepts, at home. My oldest daughter is happily married, in graduate school, and a mother to the roughest little boy you have ever met, my grandson. My other daughter, is going to college to be a registered nurse. She always dreamed of becoming a doctor. But, when our grandson was born premature, she was moved by the work the nurses did in the NICU, and changed her mind. Our damn christian value system about helping others, and making a difference is more important than financial gain. As a footnote, neither one of daughters has taken out any student loans, or qualified for state or federal assistance.
I think the one thing the three of us could agree on is great families make successful kids, not schools.

The public school system is not the cause of the problem our nation has, the problem is the deterioration of the family unit, tied to a self entitlement society, which takes no responsibility for their own action, it is always someone elses fault.

The point is that there are many options for educating your children other the cookie-cutter public school system.
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Special Hen Supporter
Jan 12, 2007
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Dude, you have an agenda and not interested in reality.
It would be pointless to debate someone who has an agenda. I merely attempted to point out the laws which are relevant to the topic.
You seem to still be pissed off at your school teachers and want to attack them whenever possible. I run into parents such as you all the time, I hope it makes them feel better to yell at me for their failures in life.

I do agree, any student at a high school can just walk away, but they have repercussions that go with the decision.

Next, there is a punishment in our country for refusing is not graduating from high school, getting GED, online charter schools, or having non-qualified parent try to home school a student; the punishment is called poverty, with males it goes hand in hand with prison and females, teenage pregnancies failed marriages, and their children continue that cycle.

In addition, let the drug dog hit on a car in, a school parking lot, see if the K9 cop or the school police let the kid/adult drive away, or if he is detained and his car impounded.
When a kid shows up at school, they can refuse to have their bag searched, but they will not be allowed in the school, without punitive action and the bag being searched.

If you wish to debate that refusing to let your car be searched is worth the price, go for it.

I have no agenda (other than upholding the law and civil rights). I didn't have a single teacher that was bad to me. As a matter of fact, even 30 years later I can remember how much I liked and respected my HS principle, Rick Dossett. I came from a home of divorce and lived below the poverty line growing up, but I was a pretty good kid in school. I was never suspended or even spent so much as a single hour in detention from K-12. As good as my behavior record was, I was a terrible student. You could say I was disinterested. I never did homework, but usually aced all my tests. I wound up with a GED. Yet I'm not living hand to mouth. I have a great job (I'm the only one in my office without a degree and I'm not the lowest paid). I own a very nice home that will be fully paid off before I retire. I drive nice cars with low miles and other than a mortgage and two fairly low car payments, I don't owe anyone anything. I'm probably better off than 80% of the country and I'm quite grateful for what I've been able to become. I contribute to my community and I'm proud of it.

I'm also not a parent, just a civil libertarian. I happen to work with LE and emergency 1st responders at a fairly high level on a routine basis. I've worked on committees and provided services for local, state and federal agencies in my AOR for years. I also work with private industry on policies and procedures in my area of expertise. It doesn't matter whether I'm working with a citizen, a regulated entity, stakeholders or partnering agencies, my philosophy is one of cooperative partnering and information sharing. I'd much rather coax someone to do the right thing than force them to. I can talk someone into handcuffs as easily as I can talk them into a fight, so why go the hard route when you don't have to?

If you've detected anything other than an accurate relaying of information on the specific subject with which you disagreed, it's a disagreement with an overly authoritarian style in bureaucratic functionaries (I myself being one). I dislike working with people where its "I'm in charge and you will obey me or suffer the consequences". While that might turn out excellent worker bees who fear to question authority, it generally turns out poor citizens who cannot think for themselves.

As to the subject, if the K9 handler or searcher is a commissioned law enforcement officer, the authority to detain, search and arrest based on RAS and PC is iron clad. The problem is you came in here with your apples to denounce the oranges. Sorry, but you were wrong then and changing the terms now does not void your wrongness. Feel free to go back and read it VERY carefully. That's what I do for a living. I work all day, every day with highly technical writing that involves laws and regulations. It's my bread and butter. While it might sound arrogant, I have a significant record of being correct. I simply take pride in technical accuracy is all. My nickname is "OCD" for a reason. :)

Glock after reading all your posts it is obvious I have forgotten more about student rights that you sir will ever know. I stand by EVERY statement as 36 yrs of experience has served me well in the area. All you bring to the table is hoof and mouth disease. During those 36 yrs I NEVER had a single suspension of a student overturned. To the contrary one of my cases that went to district court in Osage County was up held by that court and set the presidence for schools today exercising their authority outside the school setting for suspension of students actions against teachers. My proof is in MY pudding sir. What you bring to the table is emotion and misguided thinking. That stuff is fallacy in its purist form.
You remind me of a few students I had over the years that were non conformists to the public school setting. Most of them while zealots in their thinking yet seldom were they ever contributors to a positive school setting. I always felt sorry for them because they made their own bed and had to sleep in it.

Glock I wish you nothing but the best. That said please do some research before attacking people with emotion rather than education and experience. I sir possess both. I made a difference in student lives at all education levels for 36 yrs. My reputation in the public school setting proves that.

Now what has not, up to now been discussed is what does school suspension mean? Every student with a suspension equal to or in excess of 10 school days has the right to spend it in an state approved In School Suspension program. This provides the district and the student to continue their education while serving their suspension. This setting has criteria that must meet state mandates. Many, many students with semester and or semester plus additional time have completed their education and graduated while completing this time. That is in fact, the impetus for placing students under suspension in such a setting. They need and the law requires a setting for them to continue their education. I cannot recall a student that was placed under an extended suspension refusing IHS. Im sure some have but not under my watch. Some did not complete it successfully but all were offered and accepted it in the beginning.

Oh Glock it is Principal not principle!

The boatz doth protest too much, methinks.

Everything you're accusing me of is glaringly obvious in your writing. You're projecting your emotions onto me. You're also making the same mistake that tlbn has, bringing apples to an orange judging contest. I'm sure you have an enviable record in the public school arena. I'd stack my record in my area of expertise against yours any day, but that would be another apples to oranges comparison. I could say that I've never lost a case (which go before federal judges), but most of my cases never make it that far. I've literally had defense counsel turn to their clients in conference and tell them to concede. While I take pride in the detail and accuracy of my investigative reports, I take more pride in the number I could've written, but managed to work out cooperative solutions that precluded the necessity of going the legal enforcement route.

This thread has drifted far afield from the OP's original query, but I stand behind what I've posted 100%. It is technically accurate to a fault. You might not like it, but that's irrelevant. One area I've had significant training and experience in is reading people, particularly adults in a compromised position or environment. Investigations are a significant portion of my workload. Several months out of my fiscal year are devoted solely to investigations. Based strictly on your post style and content, I'd surmise that you're heavily invested in your persona as an authoritative figure over minors. I'll bet you did a LOT of good in your career, but a small part of you probably took pleasure in the occasional heavy hand as well.

Regardless, I've said all I have to say on the subject and I wish you no ill will either. I'm a believer in karma and I try to keep mine as clean as possible. I simply can't resist weighing in when I see technical inaccuracies being bandied about as fact. That you most certainly have done here. Disagree with me if you wish, think less of me if it makes you feel better, but I haven't posted a single inaccuracy here. This is my last post in this thread, so carry on as you see fit. Good day! :)

P.S. Apologies for incorrectly calling you principle as opposed to Principal. While the mistake might not have accorded you the level of deference you're accustomed to, I'd think calling you a person of "principle" wouldn't be construed as demeaning? :)


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Special Hen Supporter
Dec 9, 2008
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Ponca City Ok
Well said Jerry.
My nearest neighbor that I'm forced to share a road easement with is a retired middle school Principal.

We don't get along for the very reason you expressed.

"I'd surmise that you're heavily invested in your persona as an authoritative figure over minors. I'll bet you did a LOT of good in your career, but a small part of you probably took pleasure in the occasional heavy hand as well"


Special Hen
Mar 24, 2007
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cold, dark
Weirdly my stepfather is a retired teacher, coach, former high school principal and then superintendant of schools in Oklahoma and my father was a retired Marine (Korean veteran) and ex LE officer in southern California and then in Dallas. My father and stepfather never got along very well at all. I went to school mostly in California where I lived with my dad and older sibs but sometimes when visiting my mother in Oklahoma I would have to go to school and when I did my stepfather was my HS principal. He was a total d$%k back then but he has mellowed with age and we get along ok today. They didnt do the drug dog thing much if any 30 years ago but if they would have my stepdad would have been all up in it.

My kid doesnt mess with drugs or drink yet but he's a jock and he does dip and he has gotten into some trouble with school personnel over it. He knows the zero tolerance policy too with having it on school property but he's a kid and forgets sometimes that he has it on him (ya, thats his usual story...). In any case he definitely knows that if he gets caught with it on school property he has to bite the bullet on it and take the punishment. He has been accused of stuff he didnt do before and we have taught our kids that it is ok to question authority if theyre totally in the right and we will always be 100% behind them if they are in the right. So I applaud the OP for standing up for your kid. Sounds like a good kid.


Special Hen
Feb 16, 2009
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Oklahoma City
I was homeschooled by my mother who was a high school drop out until high school. I graduated with a 4.0 without even trying. I now have a masters degree in electrical and computer engineering.

A teaching degree is basically just a major in classroom management with a minor in the subject you want to teach (if that). I fail to see how the basketball coach who taught my american history class was any more qualified than my mother...

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