Food Plot Basics

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Deer Slayer

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Special Hen Supporter
Sep 7, 2009
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Oklahoma City
Fellas- The kids need your help. The deer are stressed more so this year than most. This heat has put everything dormant or the protein content has plummeted. The forbes and other food sources have become stemmy and dehydrated which reduces the protein level. This appears to be a record year for extreme temperatures and this may impact the deer and their development. Let's put this in a different light. What would happen to your development if I virtually cut off your groceries for 3 months? No quarter pounders, no steaks, and, heavan forbid, no beer ( for some of you).:eek2:

It is time to put out some supplemental feed for the kids.


Special Hen
Nov 21, 2009
Reaction score
Midwest City, Oklahoma, United States
Deer Slayer
What would you suggest for supplemental feeding. I put all four of my feeders out this weekend with just corn running through them. I have two small tracts a 60 and 40 in Northern Pott Co. and Seminole Co. at the 60 the trees leafs are brown and dropping. I was thinking of getting some alfalfa hay, and also putting a stock tank out if I can figure out the logistics. I usual put in around 3 acres of food plots at each but that was a no go this year. Thanks

Deer Slayer

Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Sep 7, 2009
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Oklahoma City
big-triple-d - good for you. The kids will appreciate the help. Corn is good but only 6% protein. I am using some 12% sweet feed which the deer really like because of all the molasses. I am going to add some 22% black eyed cowpeas to the feeder. I get these at Ross Seed Co. in El Reno 262-3456. I also use some 20 - 22% Antler King Deer & Elk chow from Cross Brand Feed 478-2327 which is primarily alfalfa. The deer take to it well. Cross Brand Feed is located at NE 63rd and Bryant right by Remington Park and Braum's Corp HQ. This product costs around $12.00/50# and is far,far better than corn and will go thru the feeder well too. You can use 1/2 as much as the quantity of corn and be feeding the deer better because of higher protein. The speckled butts need their protein right now just as Momma does to produce milk for them. Yes, this can be a little expensive, I agree, but being a good steward of the land and the game on it is important too. The two most stressful times in a whitetail year is now until mid September and in January until spring greenup. In both instances the deer forage is dormant and the protein content is low. Lets face it GOOD food is scarce. The deer cannot get into air conditioning and chill out over a nice bowl of alfalfa slaw that has been supersized with a side order of soybeans.

I am hearing reports of bobwhite quail that are cooking and dying in this heat. A breeder lost some more today and he has a fan running on them and in the shade. It's hotter than a snakes belly in a wagon rut. Man its hot!

Ok, back to the concern at hand. If you introduce something new to the deer, you might mix 1/2 of it with corn and then get some pancake syrup, any brand, and quirt a healthy dose on the initial pile. The deer are very curious and are suckers for something sweet. They like 'lasses, but dey loove mmmmmmooooooooooolassses:woohoo1:. I have sat in a tree stand and watched a couple family units come upon a new scent (vanilla extract) and watch the dominant doe:scratch: snort,stamp her foot, and whirl and run off. Then in a couple minutes her she comes sneaking back and start the process all over again:scratch:. She got discusted and left so I exited the tree while I could, but I knew she came back and eventually walked up and sniffed the extract saturated cotton pad. She was just curious and this was something new and strange in her territory. I have a herd of deer that I watch most of the year and I play tricks on them. I watch their reaction and it helps me to learn more about them and the wonderful world of the whitetails.
They are amazing animals and we are blessed to have them around.

Deer Slayer

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Special Hen Supporter
Sep 7, 2009
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Oklahoma City
Triple d- The stock tank is a good idea if you have it available and there is no water for a long ways. I own 1/4 mile of Deep Fork River in OKC but I am thinking of putting a pan of water out for them near my feeder so I can freshen it daily. I will be posting some suggested Fall plantings in September so stay tuned. If you have any other questions, I am just a click away.

Deer Slayer

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Special Hen Supporter
Sep 7, 2009
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Oklahoma City
The deer are cleaning up my protein pellets and sweet feed nightly. This afternoon, while visiting with my county game warden, we spotted 1 of my family units standing in the shade watching us watching them. The fawn is developing nicely and looked healthy, so did Mom. They seem to be hitting the feed then browsing on what little clover I can keep standing. Pray for rain.

Deer Slayer

Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Sep 7, 2009
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Oklahoma City
Last night my kids came in early to eat the alfalfa pellets. Junior, mom,grandmom, a spike, a 6 point, and a funky 4 x 3. The 4 point side was fine but the 3 point side appears flat. I guess its time to put out the camera and see what's really coming in.

Deer Slayer

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Special Hen Supporter
Sep 7, 2009
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Oklahoma City
I pulled my camera from next to the feeder and had 170 pictures. I have not had time to review them. I picked up some more Antler Max 20% protein pellets from Cross Brand Feed. I visited with one of the new owners and suggested she keep more of the protein pellets in stock and explained to her why. She said she had just brought in 40 bags. The 50# bags are $12.99. Corn is $11.00/50#. Lets see the 20% protein pellets is $26.00/100 and corn is $22.00/100 and is 4X the protein. It just makes sense to buy the 20% protein.

Deer Slayer

Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Sep 7, 2009
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Oklahoma City
My son reviewed the camera pics and indicated that the deer on the camera were real skinny and did not appear to be in good shape. I upped the amount of feed tonight by 50%. I am now feeding 1.5 gallons of 20% protein Antler Max from Cross Brand Feed 478-2327. Depending on whether they clean it up or not, I may increase it to 2 gallons/day. I expect to see 10 to 20% reduction in the bucks rack size due to insufficient protein during this drought. I also fear that we will see a decline in quail,pheasant, turkey and maybe rabbit this fall. This heat is devastating to the wildlife.

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