"I have a hard time believing his accuracy improved to hitting all 4 this time while being 67 years old". Are You saying us old guys can't shoot. Maybe like we are old and decrepit??? Limp, limp but I hit the bullseye 10 out of 10 at 25 yards. LOL!I agree with this. There are numerous weed farms all over the area. I think if they were stealing parts and the salvage owner came out shooting, there would have been a crime scene there. However, the bloody crime scene is at an adjacent property. The salvage yard owner shot a 6 thieves in 2012 at his yard and only hit one. I have a hard time believing his accuracy improved to hitting all 4 this time while being 67 years old. After the first shot all 4 would have ran and that is not an easy target to hit. That would be an impressive accuracy improvement. I think the 5th guy didn't join because he didn't agree with who they were going to rob (weed farm) and either tipped off the farm or is lucky as hell. Either way, I think the weed farmers caught wind of this and eliminated these guys. I think the salvage owner was running for his own good as seeing or knowing something. I think to get all 4, you would need multiple people to contain and then eliminate, dismember and dispose. These weed farms in the area are ran by multiple different nationalities including Chinese, Mexican and others. My vote is for some form of organized crime eliminating them.