Gubernatorial Debate last night??

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Aug 31, 2008
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Del City
I thought that Askins was very composed and intelligent in her answers. (That doesn't mean I agree with them.) I thought Fallin was sort of an airhead and talked around her answers when she didn't know what to say. I'm still voting for Fallin, though. Askins says she's pro-gun and I would like to know what her definition is since she voted against concealed carry. The right to protect your life and the lives of your family shouldn't stop at your front door of your house. Also, blaming Fallin for ads that are paid for by outside agencies she hasn't approved is ridiculous. That's the whole reason they have the "I'm Jim Bojangles and I approved this message." This is the first year out of state lobbies can run their ads in another state and now it's "negative campaign" this and "negative campaign" that. Well just what did you think was gonna happen? Ads that are all sunshine and roses???


Special Hen
Mar 17, 2009
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Oklahoma City
I used to believe that a member of a party could do more or less what they wanted to to get things done. Then I came to the realization that if the party wants them to do something then they pretty much do it.

That makes a weary of Democrats. I don't feel like I need to be saved from myself.

Then again, Republicans, as a party, don't impress me anymore either...
Jan 28, 2008
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Tornado Alley
.... Also, blaming Fallin for ads that are paid for by outside agencies she hasn't approved is ridiculous. That's the whole reason they have the "I'm Jim Bojangles and I approved this message." This is the first year out of state lobbies can run their ads in another state and now it's "negative campaign" this and "negative campaign" that. Well just what did you think was gonna happen? Ads that are all sunshine and roses???

This is a huge pet peeve of mine. If Askins says they ran a negative add, I'd like to hear the facts that were misconstrued or what the correct context is supposed to be. Otherwise it's not negative, or an attack, or a smear. It just chaps my a$$ when a statement about an opposing candidate's position on something is called one of those things. It's not negative, or an attack, or a smear unless it's untruthful or personal or both. If it's about a legitimate political issue I call it a fact. If you are going to call it one of those things, set the record straight, and don't piss and moan about it.

Jan 12, 2007
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I vote we all vote to change the name to Goobernatorial, in deference to the fact that we have no good candidates to vote for. Ever. As a matter of fact, I vote we rename all public offices some inane derogatory term. It's the only way we'll ever get back at them for screwing us over all the time. At least then we make fun of them when we refer to their official title!

Anyone second the motion?


Special Hen
Nov 18, 2008
Reaction score
I vote we all vote to change the name to Goobernatorial, in deference to the fact that we have no good candidates to vote for. Ever. As a matter of fact, I vote we rename all public offices some inane derogatory term. It's the only way we'll ever get back at them for screwing us over all the time. At least then we make fun of them when we refer to their official title!

Anyone second the motion?

I offer a second.

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