Hamas in DC

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Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Mar 15, 2022
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No ... you did not attribute your quote. Using quotation marks (below) is not attributing a quote.

Don't worry ... I don't grade posts. LOL.

You doubted the 1,400 years of jihad. I provided a timeline. Again ... try doing some honest research. You might learn something about elements of Islam that have been waging war on the world for over 14 centuries.

It was in the first text, but I will again link it for you...


Also telling me to provide my sources all while trying to "educate" me or "do your own research " while not providing any sources yourself is a bit hypothetical, and lazy wouldn't you say?

Regardless I'm over the convo, when we are ultimately dragged into another war in the M.E. which will ultimately benefit Israel the most I'm sure you and your sons/family members will be the first to sign right?

🫡 God speed brother.
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Blue Heeler

Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Dec 8, 2020
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It was in the first text, but I will again link it for you...


Also telling me to provide my sources all while trying to "educate" me or "do your own research " while not providing any sources yourself is a bit hypothetical, and lazy wouldn't you say?

Regardless I'm over the convo, when we are ultimately dragged into another war in the M.E. which will ultimately benefit Israel the most I'm sure you and your sons/family members will be the first to sign right?

🫡 God speed brother.
My intent was not for you to relive middle school. But you didn’t attribute the source. You attached a few links but you simply did not attribute any to your source. When you post something that is not yours, after your comment simply quote your source or use a footnote directing one to the link.

To your second comment, you doubted how long elements of Islam have been at war with the world. I replied you were wrong. This is a simple web search. Not sure if you know what “hypothetical” means but it is rather lazy of you on a variety of levels that you would not do any research before posting that you were not sure of how long Islam has been on a jihad bender.

I don’t know if helping or not helping Israel will “drag us” into another war. That will be up to the Islamists who are following a religious mandate to take Islam to every corner of the earth … which includes most Oklahoma zip codes. If I had to bet, we will be getting incoming fire with someone yelling “Aloha Snack Bar” in the near future. Will it mean bombing Tehran? I hope not. The Islamist believes that killing infidels and dying killing infidels is their pathway out of a third world poop hole and a quick trip to “rivers of honey”. They have gone from scimitars to ICBMs and stone tablets to instant worldwide martyrdom. Matter of time before we are involved in another war. Like either Plato or Santayana said, “Only the dead have seen the end of war.”

And lastly … no, I don’t want any wars and I don’t want my tax dollars being wasted on wars (like Ukraine where we could limit Putin’s ability to fund any war if we put more gas and oil on the market). But I think helping our allies is better than sending troops.
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Frank Pope

Special Hen
Sep 26, 2019
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South Tulsa
“Agitators” have desecrated several monuments in DC with spray paint, and removed the US flag and ran the Palestinian flag up the flagpole at Union Station.

Why are our police allowing this **** to happen? WITAF is going on in this country?
Hmmm, perhaps these are some of the illegals the current administration allowed to waltz across the border?

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