health insurance

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Jan 28, 2008
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Tornado Alley
I just became eligible for Medicare, and along with the VA, I'm in pretty good shape. My concern is wanting my wife to retire early at like 61 next year. That will make her have to pay even more under the current plan that's expected to go even higher in 2017 according to what I'm hearing.

I have heard on the Radio of something called Medi-share that one can get. Supposed to be a Christian sharing organization where all enrollee's share any medical expenses with the premiums they pay?
That made me think that's how insurance is supposed to work anyway, but has anybody ever looked into Medi-share?

That is precisely one of the ones I'm looking at. They seem to be the largest one of these from the limited look I've had so far. I haven't seen anything bad about them yet, but I'm not looking real hard just yet either. I'm waiting until after the election is over until I make a choice. I'll get to see what other insurance options are there and who wins the election. If the pantsuit pig wins I'll be bailing out for one of these for sure. My rate if don't change anything is $871, one with this group right here is $276.


Special Hen
Nov 18, 2008
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Some of the Sharing Ministries (what they are referred to as in the ACA) require a pledge to abstain from alcohol and tobacco use or risk losing coverage.

Sent from my Nokia 6100 using Tapatalk


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Mar 31, 2009
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Our insurance continues to go up yearly with no end in sight, SUCKS!!!

Wife and I are retired. Not old enough for Medicare yet. Thanks obummercare.


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Apr 14, 2009
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Trump wants 'special session' to repeal Obamacare
By Nolan D. McCaskill

Donald Trump on Tuesday vowed to immediately repeal and replace President Barack Obama’s signature health care law if he’s elected president next week.

“When we win on Nov. 8 and elect a Republican Congress, we will be able to immediately repeal and replace Obamacare. We have to do it,” Trump said Tuesday afternoon in an address on the Affordable Care Act in King of Prussia, Pennsylvania.

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“I will ask Congress to convene a special session so we can repeal and replace,” he continued. “And it will be such an honor for me, for you and for everybody in this country because Obamacare has to be replaced. And we will do it, and we will do it very, very quickly. It is a catastrophe.”

But Congress won’t be able to repeal and replace the health law quickly or easily. Even if Republicans keep control of the Senate, Democrats will likely have enough votes to filibuster a quick repeal bill.

While Republicans are working on a repeal using a complicated budget procedure that doesn’t allow a filibuster, it would likely take months to enact. And a replacement bill may be even harder.

House Speaker Paul Ryan has released a blueprint of a replacement plan, but Republicans are divided on the details of how to reform the massive health care system.

The health law had not played prominently in the campaign this year — a marked contrast to each election since its passage in 2010. But with premiums rising for the enrollment season, which began Tuesday, Trump has pounced on the law’s flaws and renewed his promise to tear it up.

The GOP nominee characterized the law as a massive, nearly 3,000-page bill that to this day “nobody understands.” He also seized on the administration’s announcement of premium hikes.

“Here in Pennsylvania, premiums are going to increase more than 60 percent,” he said. “And that’s nothing compared [to] what will happen in the future. Of course, in the future, if I’m president, there won’t be Obamacare so you won’t have to worry about that.”

He attacked Obamacare for stalling the economy and killing jobs, noting that there are fewer insurers and doctors now but higher premiums and deductibles as he cast a Hillary Clinton election as a detrimental expansion that Americans can’t afford.

“Obamacare means higher prices, fewer choices and lower quality, yet Hillary Clinton wants to expand Obamacare and make it even more expensive,” he added. “She wants to put the government totally in charge of health care in America. If we don’t repeal and replace Obamacare, we will destroy American healthcare forever. It’s one of the single most important reasons why we must win on Nov. 8. We must win.”

For her part, Clinton has pledged to build on the successes of the Affordable Care Act, which she often touted on the trail as “Hillarycare” before it was Obamacare.

Trump called for replacing Obamacare with health savings accounts that would allow Americans to purchase insurance across state lines and empowering states to manage Medicaid funding.

“We will create quality, reliable, affordable health care in a free market where parents can make the health care decisions that they really wanna make for their families,” Trump said. “It will be a much better health care at a much less expensive cost.”

Despite billing his address as a joint speech with his running mate, Indiana Gov. Mike Pence, on Obamacare — which included some members of Congress in attendance — Trump veered into his stump speech, speaking on issues like restoring manufacturing jobs, repealing Common Core, lowering taxes and rebuilding the nation’s military.

“We’ve also outlined detailed solutions on so many other issues to make life better for every American family. While this is really a meeting — and that’s what it is, it’s a meeting of very, very special people, and I appreciate you all being here — but it’s a meeting talking about health care and Obamacare. Our plan for other things also include the bringing back of manufacturing jobs,” he said, seguing into his stump speech. “We have to do it.”

Pence, who introduced Trump, boasted about Republicans’ opposition to Obama’s health care legislation, which he was part of as chair of the House GOP conference.

“I stand before you today because today, open enrollment begins on the Obamacare exchanges. And once again, millions of Americans are gonna be disappointed by their lack of options, and, frankly, they’re gonna be shocked by the high premiums and the cost of health insurance,” Pence said. “This government takeover of health care that we call Obamacare is failing in states across Obamacare as it is here in Pennsylvania, and the case has never been stronger for repeal.”

Like Trump, Pence tied the Democratic nominee to the president as a proponent of the health care law that even her husband criticized. And he also took a shot at the former secretary of state as she’s embroiled in yet another email controversy, this time stemming from the FBI’s announcement Friday that it is reviewing additional emails related to its investigation of her use of a private email server while she headed the State Department.

“The choice in this election couldn’t be more clear. With Hillary Clinton we’ll get more of the same from the last seven-and-a-half years,” he said. “More taxes, more spending, more regulation and more Obamacare. I mean, we can’t trust Hillary Clinton with our health care any more than we can trust her with classified information.”


Special Hen
Oct 14, 2010
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Well, I could start taking money out of my investments every month to pay for it...

Don't do that. Go back to work if you have to, but don't touch your savings. You're going to need that money later. That money probably isn't as much as you think it is. If you have to get a part time job for a couple of years just bite the bullet. You're not alone.

I just checked on the penalty for NOT having health insurance. The formula for 2017 is not out yet but, based on last year's formula, the penalty for NOT having any health insurance would be less than one month's premium! That is, in my case. YMMV

Another bad choice. Post 60 your odds are getting worse for health issues. It doesn't take much in the way of health problems to wipe out a respectable saving/investment plan. As ungodly as premiums are, medical costs make those premiums seem reasonable. You're best off protecting yourself somehow. Maybe find the highest deductible, least expensive plan available and cross your fingers until Medicare kicks in? We had a couple of fairly common medical issues after 65. Without insurance and Medicare we'd be homeless right now even though we were in decent shape financially at the time.

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