I've got tinnitus and went to an audiologist for a comprehensive battery of tests. My hearing loss is in the high frequency range and talked to the audiologist about hearing aids.I went to the hearing lab in Norman and spent a fortune on hearing aids. They help with high frequency, but do nothing about the fact that if there is background noise, I can't hear very well.
He also has high frequency hearing loss from hunting (as is mine) and wasn't too encouraging re hearing aids for just the reason you describe, viz. any background noise and he still can't hear.
As an aside, he was heavy in the gun lobby to make firearm's suppressors legal over-the-counter without all the Nazi Class 3 nonsense.
But, if and when I pull the trigger on hearing aids, I'll pay as much as I can afford. I suspect it's like so many other things, you get exactly what you pay for.