Tons of great info. Need to check with my insurance on what they will cover. Have really good insurance through Blue Cross Gold Plan. Fingers crossed! Sounds like going to an audiologist is the best route to go and then figure out from there. Once I get tested I'll have to give Sams/Costco a shot since it seems like their service is pretty dang good.
Part of the need for the hearing aid need is what I'm seeing from my dad. He's 83his hearing is terrible. He also has memory loss that is progressing at a moderate clip. No dementia or Alzheimers and has been tested. From some of the Doctors reports it seems most of the issues is due to concussions and the like from his days playing football and rugby. Deterioration on his frontal lobe. My dad has expensive hearing aids but rarely wears them unless pressed to. At times, my mom, brother or I tell him firmly to go get them and put them in. He begrudingly puts them in but not for long. At large family dinners sitting at the table you can watch him sit there with sort of a blank look on his face because he can't hear anyone talking and is not a part of the groups conversations. He then gets upset with my mom that he feels left out of everything that is going on. Only because he won't wear his hearing aids, can't hear the convos and acts like we are not telling him things or ignoring him. His doctors have said not wearing his hearing aids doesn't make his memory loss progress faster but that there is a correlation between the two.
Anyways, Mrs 788 is thrilled I'm looking into getting something done about my piss poor hearing. And I don't want to go down the road my dad has gone. Appreciate all the intel given here.
Part of the need for the hearing aid need is what I'm seeing from my dad. He's 83his hearing is terrible. He also has memory loss that is progressing at a moderate clip. No dementia or Alzheimers and has been tested. From some of the Doctors reports it seems most of the issues is due to concussions and the like from his days playing football and rugby. Deterioration on his frontal lobe. My dad has expensive hearing aids but rarely wears them unless pressed to. At times, my mom, brother or I tell him firmly to go get them and put them in. He begrudingly puts them in but not for long. At large family dinners sitting at the table you can watch him sit there with sort of a blank look on his face because he can't hear anyone talking and is not a part of the groups conversations. He then gets upset with my mom that he feels left out of everything that is going on. Only because he won't wear his hearing aids, can't hear the convos and acts like we are not telling him things or ignoring him. His doctors have said not wearing his hearing aids doesn't make his memory loss progress faster but that there is a correlation between the two.
Anyways, Mrs 788 is thrilled I'm looking into getting something done about my piss poor hearing. And I don't want to go down the road my dad has gone. Appreciate all the intel given here.