HELL YEAH. Bin Laden is DEAD. Yes thats right DEAD

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Special Hen
Nov 6, 2009
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Iraq certainly had more opposition, I'll give you that...but the entire "War on Terror" took quite a bit of heat too.
If you asked some of these people their opinion of our efforts to find Bin Laden on Friday, and again today, you'd get different answers. Just basing this off the ones I know.

Point is, today we've collectively pinned it all a success because Bin Laden is dead, as if it will somehow change things drastically. As if this one dead guy justifies the last 10 (20-30+?) years. The constant media appeals to emotion, and the excuse to bring "post 9/11 world" back into our daily vocabulary garnish it nicely. We now have a "success story" to bring up anytime we need to get people to fall in line.

I totally agree that nut jobs are on both sides. Hell, i think 99% of all politicians need to be shipped to some deserted island so they can stop screwing up our country. I am just frustrated that extremists are refusing to let our country have closure, but instead are trying to add more division among our population. The bastard is dead, who cares who gets credit, just be happy he is gone. Sure, there are thousands of others ready to take up OBL's place. But hey, atleast there is just one less we have to worry about. And the less threats the better, even if it is just one person.


Special Hen
Aug 7, 2008
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There is a lot of partisanship involved, when Bush planned a war the Lefties were going to Baghdad to support the Iraqis while the Righties called them names, now that Obama operates Gitmo fights two wars and starts a third without even notifying Congress, the Lefties are quiet and the Righties are calling Obama names.
I never claimed that we are perfect.

That's the point I've been swinging at. The partisanship of war is crazy. Your president is a war monger, my president keeps us safe. It's like having a favorite child. One can't do anything wrong, the other can't do anything right.

I'm not sure if it was the fact a democrat was in office when Bin Laden bit the dust that changed our collective tune on the War on Terror, or if all we really needed was that one dead guy and Obama has nothing to do with it. Neither one has much substance to it, so I guess it doesn't matter. Probably a little of both. The tune has been changed for while though, that's undeniable. It's reminiscent of the weeks after 9/11...for the first time in years. Right down to "9/11" being on CNN all day.

Blind party worship is scary enough, but when it gets to topics of life and death it really makes me scratch my head. And it's not like these people don't know what they're doing, it's just some new level of denial that surpasses Liza Menelli's husband's claims of straightness in the absurd category.


Special Hen
Nov 6, 2009
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I think a large part of it is optimism. For the last decade or so we have seen our economy crash, fuel prices go sky high, inflation out of control...I think our country just needed some GOOD NEWS for once. Something to make our country smile for once.


Special Hen
Nov 3, 2008
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I don't think that it was "SEALs" that took him out. This is the mission that Delta was created for but given that they don't "exist" we just call them SEALs when they do something that we need credit for and go on.

Bin Laden is dead. Sure, the govt. lies all the time (see above) but there is no way they would lie about Osama's death. It would be too easy to disprove and become a disaster for the US. I'm certain there are half truths involved in this story, but the main point, Bin Laden is deader than a hammer, is fact.

On a side note: Can you imagine being in the team that got the SOB? Talk about jubilation. Bet they propped him up in the corner and posed for pictures. I know I would have.

You guys looking for lies are missing the actual lies. IMO It wasn't SEALs per se, it was most likely Delta. I would bet that he wasn't buried with any thought to honor that is just a story to try and minimize the inflammation of the muslim world to his death. The Pakistani's were not involved, if they would have known anything they would have tipped him off and we would have missed him again. Kudos to Obama for not telling even Britain or Canada of our intel and just letting our guys go in and take care of business without all the diplomatic BS.

Obama is going to claim credit for this like any president would but on the campaign trail, when he touts that achievement as his own, the simple counter would be that he didn't do anything that any other president would not have done. Also that he didn't do a damn thing, it was the spec ops and intel community that puts their ass on the line every day that deserve the credit, not any politician. That is how you negate the political impact this can have on his re-election chances. Trying to make a conspiracy that he lied about killing Osama to boost poll numbers makes you look like a kook.


Special Hen
Feb 28, 2010
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West OKC
QFT. I have to avoid facebook at the moment. Some of the extremist righties are making comments that make me sick to my stomach. I find it funny though. When Bush was in office, anybody who criticized Bush was "unamerican" and "unpatriotic". However when you criticize Obama it is just "free speech".

When you criticize Obama, your a racist.


Special Hen
Nov 20, 2010
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Special Hen
Feb 4, 2009
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Trying to make a conspiracy that he lied about killing Osama to boost poll numbers makes you look like a kook.

Again, no one is saying he lied about Bin Laden's death; they just want to see the proof. Most "kooks" I am reading about (and it includes myself) thinks he's been dead for some time. And the kooks aren't any worse than the take-what-they're-fed folks that don't question anything.


Special Hen
May 9, 2009
Reaction score
I don't think that it was "SEALs" that took him out. This is the mission that Delta was created for but given that they don't "exist" we just call them SEALs when they do something that we need credit for and go on.

Bin Laden is dead. Sure, the govt. lies all the time (see above) but there is no way they would lie about Osama's death. It would be too easy to disprove and become a disaster for the US. I'm certain there are half truths involved in this story, but the main point, Bin Laden is deader than a hammer, is fact.

On a side note: Can you imagine being in the team that got the SOB? Talk about jubilation. Bet they propped him up in the corner and posed for pictures. I know I would have.

You guys looking for lies are missing the actual lies. IMO It wasn't SEALs per se, it was most likely Delta. I would bet that he wasn't buried with any thought to honor that is just a story to try and minimize the inflammation of the muslim world to his death. The Pakistani's were not involved, if they would have known anything they would have tipped him off and we would have missed him again. Kudos to Obama for not telling even Britain or Canada of our intel and just letting our guys go in and take care of business without all the diplomatic BS.

Obama is going to claim credit for this like any president would but on the campaign trail, when he touts that achievement as his own, the simple counter would be that he didn't do anything that any other president would not have done. Also that he didn't do a damn thing, it was the spec ops and intel community that puts their ass on the line every day that deserve the credit, not any politician. That is how you negate the political impact this can have on his re-election chances. Trying to make a conspiracy that he lied about killing Osama to boost poll numbers makes you look like a kook.

Saying Obama doesn't deserve credit because he didn't fire the shot is like Osama is not responsible because he didn't fly the planes


Special Hen
Aug 7, 2008
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I dunno. The way attitudes and viewpoints are subject to change in such short periods of time is just really interesting to me.

For example, do you guys remember American attitudes towards Muslims/middle eastern people in the months after September 11th? It became pretty much widely accepted to be bigots. A lot of it was humor, but there was something lying underneath it. Their was a real hate/distrust for Muslims and middle easterners there, it was obvious. From all sides, all races, all political parties, all ages. If you turned on Comedy Central or some such channel during that time, it was joke after joke about not trusting Muslims at the airport, etc. I mean it was everywhere, somebody has to remember it. Making fun of middle eastern names, etc.

Do you think in 2002 Americans would have been open minded enough to elect a man whose name sounded like our current president's name? Remembering those times, I really don't. I think his name alone would have kept him out of office during that time. I DON'T THINK IT'S RIGHT, but I think it's true. If you don't, I'm not sure you remember that aspect of the time period directly following 9/11. I mean it was everywhere. Nobody (no majority) would have "looked at the man" under a name that sounded like that in 2002. I honestly believe that.

That one event basically made people racist for a while, 6 years later it's long forgotten they once thought like that. Most of them would never admit to it. Now you rarely hear a negative comment, and when you do people are quick to condemn it. It was nothing like that right after 9/11. That's a HUGE shift in a very short time.

Really interesting stuff to think about.

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