Hey Obama - I've got your Healthcare Plan - RIGHT HEEEYAAAR!

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Apr 5, 2009
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Midwest City
Seriously, here it is right here:

The plan is to slash the federal budget by about half, and LET US KEEP MORE OF OUR MONEY SO THAT THEN WE COULD AFFORD TO BUY HEALTH INSURANCE from a private insurer!!!

Cut taxes dramatically on the middle class and even the wealthy (good for the goose, good for the gander), and completely exempt the lower class from income taxation - if you make less than $35,000 a year individual or less than $60,000 married couple, you should have to pay a big fat ZERO in federal *income* taxes, and only a very minimal amount going up from there. We had no income tax until 1916, and when it began, it was less than 1% of income. There's no reason on earth we should be zapping the lower class at 15-25%, and zapping the middle class at 15-40%, at least not at the federal level.

Under my plan, we'd actually have enough money left in our budgets to pay for all of our necessities and still afford private health insurance, without working 2 jobs and toiling day and night.

I know, it's a novel concept, to lower taxes to boost our budget and let the private sector sort out the problem. But Obama would like to go in the 180 degree opposite direction - dramatically raise taxes in order to give us crappy crappy Canadian style health care. It's absurd. Let us have more (a lot more) of our own money, cripessake.

OK, rant off. But seriously that's my plan. First step in slashing the budget is eliminating the war on some drugs and the twenty some odd alphabet soup agencies that work hard spending our money to enforce it (and yet it's still a dismal failure).


Jun 1, 2007
Reaction score
Oklahoma City
Interesting perspective, bun not 2nd Amendment Legal/Political....
That's a fact.

First step in slashing the budget is eliminating the war on some drugs and the twenty some odd alphabet soup agencies that work hard spending our money to enforce it (and yet it's still a dismal failure).
You left out the part about all the revenue coming in from taxes on said drugs.

Might put some people(including people on this forum) out of work tho.:hellno:
Apr 5, 2009
Reaction score
Midwest City
Interesting perspective, bun not 2nd Amendment Legal/Political....

Oops, I saw "Political" - where does it go properly? Can someone move it please?

You left out the part about all the revenue coming in from taxes on said drugs.

Ahh, yes, if legal, it'd be taxed; more revenue means less burden on us the workin man. It's win-win-win.

Might put some people(including people on this forum) out of work tho

Well then there's that. It'd be an adjustment for sure - but the pain for the greater good, and certainly worth it in the long run. They could find work in the new "weed" industry. Their incomes should be subsidized during a 3-5 year transition period, and re-training to a new career provided by the government. It's all part of the plan (I didn't give ALL the details yet!).

I would just spend the money now paid into the IRS on guns and ammo and then what are you going to do for me when I get sick?

Excellent question (and the "right" question). Simple. You'd be out of luck; tough noogies. Part and parcel of this plan is to ALLOW hospital emergency rooms to refuse people who cannot pay. Drastically lower taxes, and if you STILL fail to budget properly and blow your money on luxuries and junk, and can't pay, then you die. So sorry. :neener: But seriously, if you're so poor that you qualify for Medicaid, then fine, you get that. But if you're above Medicaid level, you'd better start budgeting, or else exercise and control your diet very very diligently (and stay off motorcycles)!


Special Hen
Nov 14, 2008
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I remember when I was young and wanted the Gov to quit making me pay SSI out of my checks. I was healthy and never got sick, worked out daily.

Now, I'm glad they made me pay SSI. I had a MX crash and burn that destroyed my legs and injured my back. My bank account drained rather quickly even with the health care insurance, that I had at the company I worked for. Then the company let me go, cause I couldn't work, and the insurance policy went with the job.

Did I say, "Now I'm glad I paid in SSI"

Shootin 4 Fun

Special Hen
Feb 23, 2009
Reaction score
Excellent question (and the "right" question). Simple. You'd be out of luck; tough noogies. Part and parcel of this plan is to ALLOW hospital emergency rooms to refuse people who cannot pay. Drastically lower taxes, and if you STILL fail to budget properly and blow your money on luxuries and junk, and can't pay, then you die. So sorry. :neener: But seriously, if you're so poor that you qualify for Medicaid, then fine, you get that. But if you're above Medicaid level, you'd better start budgeting, or else exercise and control your diet very very diligently (and stay off motorcycles)!

lol...but that's what we have now.

I love you idea and agree with it, but we will just end up right back where we are, because it's just not "fair" to let people die because they are stupid or because they are disadvantaged because their parents were stupid.

IMO, we need to cap what medical providers charge for services, but to accomplish that we are going to have to eliminate the liability risks to said medical providers. Doctor's will have to police themselves to eliminate the incompetent ones and protect the public.
Apr 5, 2009
Reaction score
Midwest City
but that's what we have now.

With all due respect, no it is not. Hospital ERs cannot refuse you. That's how the poor who cannot afford Medicaid get treatment - they go to the ER. Cut that off, but let them keep more of their money, and they (we - me) will get health insurance.... (and perhaps also boost up the Medicaid cutoff thresshold to a slightly higher level of qualification - bring in a few more of the "poor" into the Medicaid fold).

As for kids, Medicaid (SoonerCare) often covers kids even if their parents don't qualify for coverage for themselves (the parents).
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