Homosexual bill passed by OKC Council

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Oct 9, 2012
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First concert I ever went to - DAC at Cain's around 1980. Seen him many times after that, worked with one of his ol' ladies, and sat at their table with DAC's dad for a concert back around 84 or 85, not long before his dad passed. Dude used to put on a heckuva show.


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Jan 12, 2007
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You say this:

I personally believe homosexuals, transexuals, pedophiles etc are born that way. I just don't think it's behavior that should be accepted by society. I think treatment to help treat these conditions and the mental effects of them are very important. Chemical castration can help moderate sexual deviancy in extreme cases. We just have to accept that medical science hasn't *yet* come up with a definitive cure for these deviances, but with how we are advancing in the field of genetics and our understanding of the human brain, our ability to modify or correct human behavior is increasing exponentially.

Then you turn around and say this:

But like i said, the constitution protects freedom of association. I understand it's wrong to discriminate or treat people like crap. But i think it's our job as humans to try to treat everyone fairly and honestly. The golden rule, and all that. But people still have a right to be A holes and people still have a right to deny service to anyone for any reason or no reason at all. We shouldn't force people into these things.

Then there's this gem:

I'm pretty thoroughly horrified by all this liberal-like homosexual apologism.

I'd assumed most people here were conservatives, not traitors to the movement. How can you treat sodomy as anything but a disgusting perversion?

These homosexuals require treatment. It would be ignorant to say that the human species will not eventually find a way to modify Human sexual preference. Then we'll be able to cure it before they are born. No more homosexuals/transexuals or pedophiles.

I also believe the comparison of homosexuality and pedophilia is apt. They're both just sexual preferences.

And they're both disgusting.

Speaking of pedophiles, I still remember what you said about them in another thread. People like you set all my alarm bells ringing. People like you enable people like Joseph Mengele. People like you are a threat to society and need to be monitored... closely.

I fully agree with YG on this one. More than anyone else in this thread, you appear to suffer from some sort of mental disorder. More than anything, your online persona reminds me of Col. Frank Fitts in American Beauty.

You might want to go do some serious self-reflection. Your judgmental demeanor is backfiring on you, hard.
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Feb 27, 2011
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Oklahoma City
You say this:

Then you turn around and say this:

I don't think what i've said is at all a 'turn around', i think it's a mental disorder that requires treatment. If the homosexual/transexual whatever doesn't want treatment, that's his decision. No one should be forced into doing anything, but i reserve my right to disagree with it. And if we develop a way to change a homosexual's sexual preference, and he wishes to change it, we should offer that to him as a choice. Or if it can be determined at birth that the individual is a homosexual, than the parent may be offered the choice to change it before he grows into it. I think it's bad for society.

We should treat homosexuality/pedophilia/transsexuality like we treat anxiety. Calling for treatment for an individual with anxiety is not a judging them for having anxiety; i'm not judging them or their anxiety, i'm merely recognizing what i see as a problem and saying we should offer treatment. An individual with an anxiety disorder is not defined by his anxiety; likewise an individual with homosexuality is not defined by it, unless he so chooses to be.

It's absurd to even insinuate that saying we should develop treatment for those people of deviant sexual behaviors is somehow a negative judgment. The crux of your argument is that homosexuality/transexuality is not a negative thing and that by calling it a negative thing i'm being judgmental.

The problem with that argument is that i fundamentally disagree with the idea that it's not harmful to society, morality and to the individuals themselves.

Then there's this gem:

Yes, if you call yourself a conservative and support homosexuality than i would say you have betrayed one of the fundamental pillars of the conservative movement. That is my opinion.

Speaking of pedophiles, I still remember what you said about them in another thread. People like you set all my alarm bells ringing. People like you enable people like Joseph Mengele. People like you are a threat to society and need to be monitored... closely.

Apparently opposing homosexuality and calling for treatment for them is comparable to being joseph mengele. You guys should watch out, my opposition to homosexuality makes me a threat to society. Rick Santorum is probably the next Osama bin Laden.

I fully agree with YG on this one. More than anyone else in this thread, you appear to suffer from some sort of mental disorder. More than anything, your online persona reminds me of Col. Frank Fitts in American Beauty.

You've managed to gather from a few dozen posts that i suffer from some mental disorder. I've already said it before, but as a result of my work i've been thoroughly tested by mental health professionals and had to take a myriad of psychological testing(e.g. mmpi and rorschach) and i passed all of them. So perhaps it is true that maybe i do suffer from a mental disorder that i've somehow yet to discover, but i don't think that personal attack makes my argument any less legitimate.

You might want to go do some serious self-reflection. Your judgmental demeanor is backfiring on you, hard.

So far, the only thing backfiring is people who support homosexuality coming on here and insulting my intelligence, petty name-calling, and making insinuations about my mental health and my sexual orientation. You call me judgmental, but look in the mirror before you drop the 'you're just judgmental' hammer.

Yes, i oppose homosexuality. I judge people, all the time. I judge people i do business with, i judge people i associate with, i judge people i am friends with, hell i even judge my family.

And you're damn straight i judge homosexuals. I judge homosexuals to suffer from a mental illness that requires treatment. I judge homosexuals to often engage in acts of sodomy, pedophilia and beastiality. I also judge rapists, murderers, thieves and self-righteous people who feel that those who oppose homosexuality on religious or moral grounds are nothing but a bunch of mean-spirited trolls, bigots and retards.

But just because i oppose homosexuality, doesn't mean i've never done anything to personally wrong a person who was homosexual, or that i have any ill-will towards homosexuals as people. I disagree with their lifestyle, i disagree with their choices and actions. That doesn't mean i am joseph mengele and my goal is to force my beliefs down their throats. But i reserve the right to choose with whom i associate and do business with, as a free man in what used to be a free country.


Special Hen
Aug 7, 2008
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People are name calling and making jokes because your argument is laughable. It's not worthy of serious consideration.

Hating homosexuals is one thing. That's hard to pull apart.

Justifying it with disproven gobbilty-gook, bunk science, and faux-psychology.

I never argue with open racists or gay haters. I argue with the ****** rationalizers. Being hateful is more excusable than being ridiculous.


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Feb 27, 2011
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Oklahoma City
Are you a virgin?

Why? Interested, RidgeHunter?

People are name calling and making jokes because your argument is laughable. It's not worthy of serious consideration.

Hating homosexuals is one thing. That's hard to pull apart.

Justifying with disproven gobbilty-gook, bunk science, and faux-psychology.

I never argue with open racists or gay haters. I argue with the ****** rationalizers. Being hateful is more excusable than being ridiculous.

Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G920A using Tapatalk

I don't 'hate' gay people, that's the thing. I just disagree with their choices. people are blowing it way out of proportion.


Special Hen
Aug 7, 2008
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I miss the old days when bigots didn't care if people thought them to be bigots. Something to be said for honest hatred. Now racists and gay haters always try to tell you how their hate is kind & gentle. Wimpy hate. Gross.

A gay hater in the 60s would just say he hates queers and was proud of it. Modern gay haters spew youth pastor hallmark card vomit and tell you how they 'feel sorry' and 'want to help them' while at the same time causing waaayy more harm to gay people than a redneck yelling "******" ever could.

Telling people the very core of who they are is "disgusting" in a snide, condescending way is worse than any gay slur. Or even school bullying.

How much time have you spent with gay people?

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