I just came to read KurtM and gunbuffer comments.
LoLl! I enjoy the process of selecting the parts, prepping everything, applying finished and assembly. Then working up a good handload and hopefully shooting little groups up close and ringing steel plates at longer ranges. The problem with legal issues is usually lawyers. When you have to have a long discussion amongst lawyers to debate what the meaning of the word, "is" is, then we need to try something else. I know that it has been long held that no rights are absolute. I get that. But the words "...shall not be infringed." have meaning and seem to be constantly ignored by the media and many politicians. Like it means something other than what it says. The DC vs Miller case settled the individual rights versus collective rights and Caetano vs Massachusettes settles what is covered. Yet those established specifics keep coming under attack by politicians who do not honor their oath to uphold the constitution. I have to be careful in this area because I find it very frustrating and I shouldn't allow my frustration to come through when discussing or debating.Not a mess at all, actually one of more interesting threads in quite awhile.
I can talk TTP's and the legal issues indefinitely and not get bored.
An AR thread, about as interesting watching paint dry.
I had one class in Constitutional law just because I thought it might be interesting. I couldn't have been more wrong, it was pretty much a disaster even beyond trying to just stay awake. I sent the whole ugly mess to the brain dumpster.LoLl! I enjoy the process of selecting the parts, prepping everything, applying finished and assembly. Then working up a good handload and hopefully shooting little groups up close and ringing steel plates at longer ranges. The problem with legal issues is usually lawyers. When you have to have a long discussion amongst lawyers to debate what the meaning of the word, "is" is, then we need to try something else. I know that it has been long held that no rights are absolute. I get that. But the words "...shall not be infringed." have meaning and seem to be constantly ignored by the media and many politicians. Like it means something other than what it says. The DC vs Miller case settled the individual rights versus collective rights and Caetano vs Massachusettes settles what is covered. Yet those established specifics keep coming under attack by politicians who do not honor their oath to uphold the constitution. I have to be careful in this area because I find it very frustrating and I shouldn't allow my frustration to come through when discussing or debating.
Sounds good to me. The main problem that I have right now is that I just don't have the time to practice and haven't for quite a while. But as I have said elsewhere in this forum I intend to do something about that in a few more weeks.Depends
If I'm just shooting for fun, it's whatever.
If it's self defense practice for outside the home, typically it's 0 - 10 feet and I TRY to keep the draw to first shot from concealment with movement at less than 1.25 seconds. I try to use the sights but at 0 -10 feet and the time given with movement, the front sight is about as good as I can do.
Training a security team for church is very similar to the tasking an a team of assaulters have while doing a raid. Mindset, marksmanship, fitness, medical treatment for life threatening wounds, tactics for clearing and moving as a team or in pairs or even solo, plus command and control (calling emergency serviced and giving them just what info they need and knowing where all of your people are). Most people dont train for precision pistol shooting, shooting under fatigue and discomfort, or train at all. Should know just how capable everyone is (try to be at least) for everything above.I've been lurking on the boards for a while but just now starting to post. I'd like to tell you something about myself. Not to toot my own horn, but merely to point out that I have a particular perspective about defensive firearms training. Please take what I'm about to say knowing that I do so humbly. To start with I was my unit's marksmanship instructor for about 8 years, USAR. I shot competitively in local action pistol matches for 10 years. I have taken 13 defensive firearms courses over the years and I've lost count of how many rounds I've put downrange. I'm no spring chicken.
I taught a church security group for 4 months. We did range time twice a week for 2 hours each time, I've assisted in teaching numerous other classes. Good enough.
I find that a LOT of people who get a permit to carry concealed have only taken the state-required education. And that is true on all three states that I've possessed a permit for. Here in OK the guy that did the class, I was in finished with us in about 6 hours, a far cry from the required 16 the state says is the minimum. I wonder how many people got abbreviated classes.
Once I started training, the most important thing I learned, was how much I didn't know. And the more I learned the more I came to realize that there is no end. The journey, training and practice never ends.
How many training classes have you been to? Do you plan to go to additional training this year, (despite the high cost of ammo)? When you practice, do you practice with a purpose? If you have been to classes, what do you feel the most important thing you learned was?
I make no claims at being an expert or a professional. But I am a serious student and I'm pretty dedicated to training and practice. While my daughters are grown up and married with kids of their own I still have my wife that I am responsible for her safety as well as my own, and now we have visiting grandchildren. The world seems to be getting more and more crazy so I don't let up, don't slack off much on training and practice. My wife is reasonably accomplished with a handgun as are my daughters, but that makes no difference in what I view as my responsibilities for their safety.
I'd appreciate any feedback on the questions I've posed.