i found out why mustang walmart doesnt have any ammo

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Special Hen
Feb 28, 2010
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West OKC
Almost correct. They are't allowed to set it aside at all. They have to wait for break or lunch then they can purchase. Putting aside or holding back is what Walmart calls understocking. The employee can be fired for it.

This^^^^^ I know of a Wal-mart manager that was going through all of the Hot Wheels boxes. He would pick out all of the Treasure Hunt cars and sell them on Ebay. He got caught and lost his job.


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Special Hen Supporter
Jun 27, 2005
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you guys must have an inordinate of time on your hands to birddog this and then go tell. There will always be someone who takes advantage of their position.


Special Hen
Sep 25, 2012
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i wouldnt be the one getting anyone fired. the people that work there would. i couldnt get someone fired over ammo that would just be a dick thing to do.i was just putting the story out there.


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Special Hen Supporter
Nov 3, 2006
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i wouldnt be the one getting anyone fired. the people that work there would. i couldnt get someone fired over ammo that would just be a dick thing to do.i was just putting the story out there.

It isn't that fact that this is about ammo that makes this guy deserve to loose his job.

What if there was a "shortage" of flu medicine during an outbreak and this same guy was grabbing the tamiflu from the shipments and then selling it on ebay? And what if your three kids had to suffer thru 7 days of the flu because you couldn't get the proper medications from the pharmacy and weren't willing to risk your kid's health and lives on buying the meds off of ebay?

Bottom line is that this guy has risen thru the ranks to a position of leadership, authority and power. He is now abusing that position for personal gain. He or She didn't just fall of the turnip truck. They have seen the consequences of similar actions as they have worked in the company. If not in Walmart, then in other companies.

The action this person is taking is wrong. Not a grey area. The actions this person is taking is affecting customers and employees. It is setting a bad example for the employees and depriving the customers of what they are coming into the store for. It is affecting the reputation of the retail entity. Just the fact that we are discussing this and naming the retail entity hurts their reputation and potential sales.

If he or she worked for me, I'd fire them.



Special Hen
Sep 28, 2008
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It isn't that fact that this is about ammo that makes this guy deserve to loose his job.

What if there was a "shortage" of flu medicine during an outbreak and this same guy was grabbing the tamiflu from the shipments and then selling it on ebay? And what if your three kids had to suffer thru 7 days of the flu because you couldn't get the proper medications from the pharmacy and weren't willing to risk your kid's health and lives on buying the meds off of ebay?

Bottom line is that this guy has risen thru the ranks to a position of leadership, authority and power. He is now abusing that position for personal gain. He or She didn't just fall of the turnip truck. They have seen the consequences of similar actions as they have worked in the company. If not in Walmart, then in other companies.

The action this person is taking is wrong. Not a grey area. The actions this person is taking is affecting customers and employees. It is setting a bad example for the employees and depriving the customers of what they are coming into the store for. It is affecting the reputation of the retail entity. Just the fact that we are discussing this and naming the retail entity hurts their reputation and potential sales.

If he or she worked for me, I'd fire them.


Well, what if you couldn't get Tamilflu where you and your kids lived because of a shortage and the only supply available to you was what he was selling on eBay? You might whistle a different tune then. We could do this all day; it's all a matter of perspective and by default does, in fact, grey the area.


Special Hen
Mar 31, 2010
Reaction score
Oklahoma City
Well, what if you couldn't get Tamilflu where you and your kids lived because of a shortage and the only supply available to you was what he was selling on eBay? You might whistle a different tune then. We could do this all day; it's all a matter of perspective and by default does, in fact, grey the area.

Many times shortages are made by people who place a stranglehold on the market, then jack up the price somewhere else... a manufactured shortage, if you will. Which is what we have here, in THIS situation, which is an existing shortage that is exacerbated because of someone abusing a position of power. Yes, there would *still be a shortage*, but the shortage would be more equitable AND people wouldn't be getting shafted on secondary sales sites.

If someone sells the Tamiflu on eBay and I have to order it, I risk it being all jacked up in transport (getting too hot, too cold, etc which reduces the effectiveness), I have to wait for shipping (3-10 days), and by the time I get it my kids have already suffered through the majority of the flu and Tamiflu wouldn't do a danged thing for them (it needs to be given within the first 48 hours). So yeah, not a good example in this situation. If the shtf and someone is selling ammo to people in say... Timbuktu, USA when we need it locally, by the time we get it we'll all be hosed because someone wanted to line his/her pockets.


Special Hen
Feb 11, 2013
Reaction score
^ Yes, we need to transform America and the first step is the redistribution of the wealth of stockpiled ammo supplies. Those of you who so much should be giving it to those of us in need.

The ants who PREPARE do not panic, just sit back and laugh at the whining grasshoppers.


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Special Hen Supporter
Nov 3, 2006
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Well, what if you couldn't get Tamilflu where you and your kids lived because of a shortage and the only supply available to you was what he was selling on eBay? You might whistle a different tune then. We could do this all day; it's all a matter of perspective and by default does, in fact, grey the area.

This doesn't make his actions right.

It only makes them convenient to you.

The only way it would be OK was if he took the Tamiflu that he was going to give his own kids and, instead of giving it to his kids, then put it on ebay for you to purchase.

Then, he has not violated company policy. He has not abused his position of authority. And you still get your Tamiflu on ebay.


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