Anybody Have Trouble with a Buy on Facebook Before?

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Feb 25, 2006
Reaction score
Ponca City,OK.
Well good news. Either I entered his email wrong on PayPal or they did. There are numbers in his email address and PayPal had one extra number in it. I had it copied down correctly on a pad that I used to copy it to PayPal. The weird thing is PayPal had his email wrong but had his name right. So, I had cancelled the first payment and reentered it with the correct address, and he got it. He sent me a copy of the shipping receipt. Other than this hiccup, all my other Facebook deals have gone well.
Dec 9, 2008
Reaction score
Ponca City Ok
I've never sold on fakebook, and abhor the site. I do have an account that is locked down and never visited so I can look at pics from that shathole that get posted on here and other forums I visit.
Tried the market place one time to give away a 28hp Craftsman hydrostat riding lawn mower that had a bad exhaust valve on the left cylinder. It would run fine, but backfire like a cannon shot when turning the engine off. Fouled that plug constantly.
As others have found out in my dealings online, I don't sell defective equipment. I give it away.
The fakebook post was (and I paraphrase as it was several years ago)
Mower to give away, (size, etc. listed as well as issues with valve) free to a good home.
No replies. Here is the location on this rural road. If you're the first to get here, it's yours. Load it up and be gone. I will not help and will not reply to requests for help. Will not deliver.
Do not ask if still available.

A year later I was still getting requests for "is this still available.) It was gone in 17 minutes.

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