I like this Cruz fella.

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Eye Bleach Salesman
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Sep 7, 2009
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So the fact that their voting records are identical is bad or compared to other Republicans?

The ironic thing is that you don't show up in threads to bash other Republicans, just the ones with seemingly better voting records...

The only one I bash is Ron Paul and that is because he is a flake. Always has been for as long as I can remember (even back when I lived in his district) and he always will be. The problem is that he has his own little cult and that cult seems to be transferring to his son. While Rand is better then his dad, he is just another political type and the jury is still out on him. Cruz too but he does not have a cult, just some people watching him.


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Jan 2, 2013
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I agree. Cruz seems like the real deal. I am SOOOO disappointed in Rubio right now. To see someone torpedo their own future in such an obvious way is sickening.


Special Hen
Nov 3, 2008
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Rick, who best represents your views. Give me a name other than your own.

That really is what it comes down to. You can not find someone that you agree 100% on so who do you agree most with?


Eye Bleach Salesman
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Sep 7, 2009
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Rick, who best represents your views. Give me a name other than your own.

That really is what it comes down to. You can not find someone that you agree 100% on so who do you agree most with?

Actually none of them at this time and I expect for a long time the lesser of evils will be the best choice until we somehow get enough good people in congress to make a difference. Cruz is looking pretty good at the moment but he has plenty of time to screw up before he is fit for higher office. Rubio did look interesting but he REALLY screwed the pooch with his immigration reform deal since it is nothing but a rehash of all the other times and he is lying about it. Rand Paul does not look to bad but he has flip flopped a couple of times already and the cult seems to be forming around him which will prevent him from becoming a serious contender for higher office.

Guys it took a long time for things to get this screwed up and will take a long time to get things decent again. They have never been perfect and never will so expecting somebody to come charging in on his rainbow unicorn waving a golden sword and fixing everything is foolish. It is going to take slow, incremental hard work.


Sep 27, 2008
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West OKC
Actually none of them at this time and I expect for a long time the lesser of evils will be the best choice until we somehow get enough good people in congress to make a difference. Cruz is looking pretty good at the moment but he has plenty of time to screw up before he is fit for higher office. Rubio did look interesting but he REALLY screwed the pooch with his immigration reform deal since it is nothing but a rehash of all the other times and he is lying about it. Rand Paul does not look to bad but he has flip flopped a couple of times already and the cult seems to be forming around him which will prevent him from becoming a serious contender for higher office.

Guys it took a long time for things to get this screwed up and will take a long time to get things decent again. They have never been perfect and never will so expecting somebody to come charging in on his rainbow unicorn waving a golden sword and fixing everything is foolish. It is going to take slow, incremental hard work.

It's been screwed since the Articles were trashed when the current roll of toilet paper was foisted on the soveriegn, freemen by a few dozen despots. It is a general principle of law and reason, that a written instrument binds no one until he has signed it. How many here signed the current constitution? Currect... none...


Eye Bleach Salesman
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Sep 7, 2009
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The Constitution is fine but some of the amendments need some work so that they are clearer.

The problem with our government at this time, and the one thing that Romney might have helped improve a little, is that it is not run like a business but is instead run like a charity with an endless supply of donors.


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Oct 9, 2012
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The Constitution is fine but some of the amendments need some work so that they are clearer.

The problem with our government at this time, and the one thing that Romney might have helped improve a little, is that it is not run like a business but is instead run like a charity with an endless supply of donors.

It ain't a business. The idea behind the American Revolution was Liberty. Not a list of laws to be followed by each citizen. Not coercing a free man to give up his wages before he ever sees them. Not Using those funds to provide for other countries. There was a time when our government, on the principle of fairness, refused to allocate tax money for natural disaster relief to states, because it is unjust to confiscate taxes from a state's citizens, then use those funds elsewhere.
Why is it so hard to understand that the "cult" behind Paul (and others like him) are simply seeking a standard-bearer for the group that loves liberty? Have we become such a bunch of dependents and safety-seekers that even "conservatives" don't mind a bit of taxation here, some surveilance there, maybe a little censorship, and some overseas alliances are OK, as long as it's with folks we like. Let's give up our freedoms to choose who we hire or do business with, in the name of equality, and make some "common-sense" laws about guns and borders.

We have become, Rs and Ds - socialists. We accepted socialized medicine long before anyone heard of Obama. The State educates (indoctrinates) our children, and tells us where and how to build on our own? land.Are earnings are collected at the point of a gun to be distributed back to us in our old age, because the State does such a good job of managing money. Congress has shirked it's obligation to coin money, and given that public trust to a bunch of privateers. People that actually produce have their wages stolen to provide for those who don't, and Blues and Reds alike approve, albeit in different degrees.

I get tired of folks comparing politician X with Hitler - at least with National Socialism, the producers were also allowed to benefit from their labor. Today, you can work hard, but if you're the wrong color, sex or have earned too much money, you can't benefit from the programs you yourself have helped to provide.

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