Interesting Photo

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Special Hen
Jan 11, 2010
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I had not heard of Larry Clark (at least I'd forgotten about him),,, when your work gets banned in Paris France...that says a lot about a guy. Looks to me like he just happened to be running with a "quality" crowd of folks to get some of those "neato" homo erotic, heroin hazed images of self destructive behavior.

That Kennedy photo? He is holding a microphone... the cord stops at his back... it 1960 that cord *should* end up in a sound truck... it's not on the ground. Any body else notice that?

Ah, very perceptive. That cord is going to a remote transmitter clipped to his belt. Top secret, only the government had them in the 60's (came from area 51 probably)


Special Hen
Aug 7, 2008
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Holy cow, I didn't think anyone else on this forum knew who Larry Clark is/was. Awesome photographer.

Yeah, pretty evocative stuff. The pregnant girl shooting up with the window in the background is one of the most haunting, sickening photos ever taken.

I had not heard of Larry Clark (at least I'd forgotten about him),,, when your work gets banned in Paris France...that says a lot about a guy. Looks to me like he just happened to be running with a "quality" crowd of folks to get some of those "neato" homo erotic, heroin hazed images of self destructive behavior.

Clark is just a suburban-trash amphetamine addict from Tulsa. Most of his famous shots were taken in Tulsa in the 60's, when he was an addict and living with addicts. I think his goal was to expose things about Middle America that exist but aren't pleasant. If you think of some of the more famous award-winning photos from the 20th century, a lot of them are disturbing as hell. Saigon prisoner execution, Kent State photo, Vietnamese monk self-immolation, Vietnamese napalm kids, etc. I think most of Clark's stuff is just documenting the world he lived in as a self-destructive addict. But yeah, none of it is easy to look at.


Stan Upchurch

Aug 14, 2012
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When JFK was campaigning for Pres. he came to Tulsa. i went to hear him, he was a great speaker, very friendly. I bet he shook hands with almost every one of us in the crowd. my dad and I drove up from Norman to hear him. That was the last President my Dad got to greet. My Dad was a persopnal friend to President Truman. While he was President he came an visited us when mty Dad was stationed in Brazil. My mom always told the family how, when I was 3 I threw up on the suit of the President of the U.S.. Before Truman died we talked about that. I was older. Then MY Dad knew President Ike. They served together in Korea. I remember him coming to the house and eating Ice cream. My Dad was a maker of Army ptropaganda films during WWII, and Korea. He retired to Norman and tried to liver a qwuiet life, he wasn't sucessful. But I sure am. I really like it better this way.


Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Oct 20, 2010
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I think that guy with the suit jacket over his shoulder is Secret Service.

I think he is H. Humphrey. Who ran against JFK for the Protestant state of VW that time of year.
I wasn't there (I'm only 23), but if he is a secret service agent he is doing a poor job.
He looks worried as well, with good reason, he lost that state.

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