He's right. We would have gotten a lot farther by sitting down over a cup of tea
Nothing gets solved with tea. I'd suggest sitting down with a stine of beer.
He's right. We would have gotten a lot farther by sitting down over a cup of tea
The American Revolutionary War led to the genocide of a native people. Some would call it a success, and say it benefitted us all, but who the hell knows? You don't, and I don't.
WWII was a direct result of WWI. It wasn't inevitable. It was inevitable because a war had already been fought, and a new one had to start from its ashes. Quit dragging your knuckles.
You just totally blew me away! As a Christian I refuse to let Jerusalem fall into the hands of Muslims. They would destroy the entire old city. This to me is unacceptable! At some point in your life you need to take a stand for something you believe in. Then why dont we just sit back and watch them overrun the Vatican also?
The American Revolutionary War led to the genocide of a native people. Some would call it a success, and say it benefitted us all, but who the hell knows? You don't, and I don't.
WWII was a direct result of WWI. It wasn't inevitable. It was inevitable because a war had already been fought, and a new one had to start from its ashes. Quit dragging your knuckles.