Israel has been fired upon

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Special Hen
Oct 1, 2005
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War isn't the ultimate answer, but it is an answer. If you are such a study of history then you should know that war doesn't always lead to a solution, if for no other reason than 'winning' isn't always a straight forward thing. First, it's not always clear what type of 'win' a country is looking for. The military may be very good at taking a hill or holding a town, but that doesn't mean that the war was 'won'. The political reasons for fighting are often used to decide if a war is won or lost and those reasons are not always easily attained with fighting.

Yes, WWII is a good example of what happens when war can't be avoided, but there are also times when war doesn't change anything or when a country wins every battle but still loses the overall campaign.

The post I responded to said "War is NEVER the answer". Never is an absolute.

The poster was wrong.

War is quite often the solution.

Or perhaps those that don't get it would argue that that those peoples subjugated by the Germans and Japanese would still prefer to be living under their rule. Or perhaps one would prefer that the Germans had continued to exterminate the Jews until their were none left.

Perhaps one would argue that the Allies during the Napoleonic Wars should have just left the nations conquered by Napoleon to have stayed under his bootheel.

Perhaps those peoples who fought the muslim expansion into Europe and defeated and contained it in France at Tours in 719 should have just rolled over and let them in because "War is never the answer". If that had been the case we'd all still be living in the 8th century living under a tyrannical and unforgiving, intolernat theocracy.

Perhaps the founding fathers of the USA should have just minded their own business? That would have ended the great experiment before it even started.

Examples of how war is the ultimate solution abound.

No one is saying that war is or should be the solution of first choice but it often is the final and ultimate solution.

For those that don't believe that: Go ahead and beat your swords into plowshares. Let me know how that works out for ya.
Jun 13, 2005
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There will never be agreement of who is right or who is wrong and who the US should provide assistance to. I'm more concerned on how what happens in these other countries will affect what happens in THIS country. We need to take care of ourselves before any troops step foot on any plane or ship.


Special Hen
Oct 22, 2005
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Oxford, MS
The post I responded to said "War is NEVER the answer". Never is an absolute.

The poster was wrong.

War is quite often the solution.

Or perhaps those that don't get it would argue that that those peoples subjugated by the Germans and Japanese would still prefer to be living under their rule. Or perhaps one would prefer that the Germans had continued to exterminate the Jews until their were none left.

Perhaps one would argue that the Allies during the Napoleonic Wars should have just left the nations conquered by Napoleon to have stayed under his bootheel.

Perhaps those peoples who fought the muslim expansion into Europe and defeated and contained it in France at Tours in 719 should have just rolled over and let them in because "War is never the answer". If that had been the case we'd all still be living in the 8th century living under a tyrannical and unforgiving, intolernat theocracy.

Perhaps the founding fathers of the USA should have just minded their own business? That would have ended the great experiment before it even started.

Examples of how war is the ultimate solution abound.

No one is saying that war is or should be the solution of first choice but it often is the final and ultimate solution.

For those that don't believe that: Go ahead and beat your swords into plowshares. Let me know how that works out for ya.

And you said it was the ultimate answer, which it isn't. Yes, for the conflicts you mentioned war was necessary, but i never disputed that.

As i said, war is an answer, but wars have been fought and nothing has changed accept for the loss of life. You can win battles and still lose a war.

My wife, who studies international conflicts, has been working on a series of papers right now that works on quantifying what militaries target and how soon conflicts end. The difficult part is determining how to decide if something is 'won'. From a military standpoint, it's easy to decide since the military is good at taking a hill or capturing a city, but that doesn't always mean that there was a victory since there are also political outcomes that often need to occur.

Does anyone thing that Israel will really 'win' anything with these bombings? They certainly can win the day and maybe it will last for a while, but i'm skeptical that it will bring them victory or peace. Short of genocide, this conflict goes too deep to be won with bombs and bullets.
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Jan 12, 2007
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When I say that "if I was as young as Chris Jeon, I'd be in that saddle you speak of, it has about as much credibility as you saying "saddle up or shut up". All either one requires is a little typing.

Your comments are designed to shut up those who disagree with you given that you know there is no way most of us could do what you suggest. I'm 74. If there was a way I could put my AR-15 to use in the defense of Israel, I'd damn well do it. I don't know about the others here, but your suggestion that I'm all talk and gutless pisses me off.

I never had to go to war, but I damn sure lined up when it was my time and I was ready to go if the call had come.

If Israel goes down the tubes, your life is gonna change. You may find life in front of the computer screen is not as safe as you once thought.

I have saddled up. I have the DD-214, Combat Action Ribbon and medals to back that up. What I'm saying is that whether you're 17 or 74, offering the youth of others up for a fight halfway around the world that has zero strategic value to America is pretty crass. Now, you wanna sign up volunteers to willingly go into that particular fight, I have no issue with. When you presume to send others without regard to that, you've got a problem.

If you need help, get a hold of me. I may choose to help you.

Do NOT, however, volunteer me or my money or especially my children's lives to someone else's cause.


uncle money bags

Special Hen
Jul 22, 2009
Reaction score
For those who do not support the United States interference on behalf of Israel, do you hold this opinion because of Israel or do you feel this way regarding all allies?
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