JB, Lurker, Ignernt and all you other Blue dogs....

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Aug 31, 2008
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Del City
Because I was taught that worsening a situation (like the economy) is a step backwards, not forwards. Likewise, rising unemployment and less money in people's pockets by repeating FAILED soviet policies is not "progressive", it's REgressive. It's also communist, by the way. :)


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Aug 31, 2008
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by Sanjuro893

Heavily taxing the rich never works. The tax ALWAYS falls back on the middle class. This has happened every time in America. EVERY. SINGLE. TIME. (I don't have time right now to post up examples, but look at tax law just in the last 50 years and who ended up paying the burden of it.) It can be blamed on loopholes, offshore accounts, whatever. The fact is, the very people who want this policy are rich themselves so those loopholes will NEVER close. Nevereverevereverever. As for Soviet policy, The rich are heavily taxed to bring them down and distributed to the poor to bring them up to form a huge middle class and everything's "fair". But this never happens. Why? Because those people in power are rich also and exempt themselves from the rules, so you end up with a very wealthy few and a massive lower middle to poor class. It's unsustainable. The soviets had high unemployment and poverty, Cuba has the same, Venezuela has the same. That's why Cubans came HERE in little boats in 1979 and not the other way around. So when Barack Obama says he will tax the rich and spread the wealth around, whether he or you or anyone else wants to admit it or not: It IS a failed soviet policy. I know several Russians and a couple Cubans and others from the ex-soviet bloc. They say the same thing. It's what they grew up with, I think they would know. Trying to disguise a turd as something else or not admitting it's a turd doesn't make it any less of a turd.


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Aug 31, 2008
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Del City
And since I'm limited on time here, I'll save you, J.B. and the other apologists here the standard issue argument you're about to give by either diminishing my argument with sarcasm or telling me about Romney and 1%ers and the rich and how they're out to keep me down and just make a buck off me and use me up til I'm all broke and spent and kick me to the curb, and even though I'm poor I don't know where my own interests lie, etc. I get it. I don't trust rich people at all and they don't like me because they can't understand why I'm not "greedy" like them. The red party still needs me to work for them and to buy their products and give me some glimmer of hope so I can put my meager savings into their banks. They KNOW they can't bleed me too dry, so they pretty much leave me alone. The blue party on the other hand has a habit of trying to get me to BECOME greedy. To WANT what the rich have, so they sidle up to me like they're championing for my rights. They're there to protect and watch out for me. But they want something from me too. Some want me to give up my decisions and choices into their hands to make my existence a little more convenient. To make my life a little easier to handle without the burden of having to shop for healthcare insurance, or to make my employment a little more secure by FORCING me to join a union so I'm not taken advantage of by corporate slave-drivers, or to take guns off the streets to make me safer. All very noble goals. The problem with altruism is it's a myth. I've seen human nature and it's the one thing Marx and his disciples never take into account: Someone will ALWAYS want MORE than what someone else has. The democrats are just as rich as the republicans if not richer with the same offshore accounts and tax loopholes and shipping jobs to India and China to make another buck. The reds pretty much leave me alone as long as I consume and work. The blues want me to look to them for guidance and protection. To make them into my nanny and take care of me and if I do all they ask I can have a better life. The problem with that is I'm not greedy. I'm not even slightly ambitious. I've worked at non-profits and museums and getting underpaid for the past 20 years because I like the work. I just want to live and watch out for my family and worship my God and be left alone. If I ever DO decide I want more, the reds aren't gonna help me one bit. They expect me to work my butt off and do it all on my own, which is fine, but they won't get in my way either because the richer I am, the more I can make them money by consuming more. But if I side with the blues and want more, I'm told that I can't do it on my own. I'm not good enough because I'm an indian, or I'm black, or I'm a woman or I'm undereducated or I'm gay. I can't make it without my nanny gov't there to help me. I NEED them. So they want me to give them MORE of my choices and MORE power over my life because they're going to help me get what I want. And because I've given them my power in making my own choices I have to wait til THEY say what I can have and when and how much. I am no longer my own person, but an economic slave to a state that needs me to feed it more than I need it. It's MUCH more parasitic on my soul than some pasty country club dude's corporation. And THAT, ladies and gentlemen, is why I say your president is a communist (or at least a sympathizer) and his policies suck the sweat off a baboons balls. Thank you for listening, and good night.

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