Ender's Game
The Thrawn Trilogy (Star Wars)
The X-Wing Series (Star Wars)
The Island of Dr. Moreau (movie blew, but book is one of my top five of all-time)
The Martian Chronicles
Stranger in a Strange Land
Starship Troopers
I, Robot (Asimov, not Binder)
The Galactic Empire Novels (Asimov)
The Thrawn Trilogy (Star Wars)
The X-Wing Series (Star Wars)
The Island of Dr. Moreau (movie blew, but book is one of my top five of all-time)
The Martian Chronicles
Stranger in a Strange Land
Starship Troopers
I, Robot (Asimov, not Binder)
The Galactic Empire Novels (Asimov)