Mcain agrees with Obama about changing stand your ground laws

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Special Hen
Nov 6, 2012
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WessonOil, where on earth do you come up with this stuff? I hope you are employed in a creative field because you are nothing if not creative.

Writing in a candidate or "N/A" for a candidate, president for example, on a multiple issue / candidate ballot does not "nullify(ing) an entire ballot".

It will technically nullify "that line" on the ballot since it will not be counted as a result of OK's archaic election statutes, but the rest of the ballot will be counted just the same as if you had left "that line" on the ballot blank.

Just because your uncle's brother's sister-in-law's niece who had a great aunt that worked for the election commission told you so, doesn't make it so.

Don't take my word for it, contact the election board for yourself: [email protected]

A write-in on an OK ballot is a vote in protest of the status-quo which is responsible for the current state of affairs. If you wish to continue to fight in favor of the status-quo that is your right.

I choose to fight for something better. I may not know much, but I know that continuing to do the same thing over and over again while expecting different results is INSANE.

I know if everybody continues to "check the box" on the OK ballot there will forever and always be only two boxes to check.

Take this as a sign - It is time to broaden your reading base. Perhaps doing so would help avoid factual errors like the "ballot nullification" proclamation above. The world is full of information you won't find "gun magazines" alone.

Well, once again, all your posturing and fairy tale land view of the world doesn't cover up the fact that you're asking every non-Democrat in Oklahoma to at least void the line for the presidential candidate.
Oklahoma would them become a Blue State,and put us farther behind.
Smooth move.

I'm pretty sure that even if I was to subscribe to a stack of magazines that none of them would be covering local Oklahoma laws for filing out ballots.

In fact, you yourself referenced a website on the internet rather than reference a magazine. :)

The information wasn't on their website, so I called the Oklahoma Election Board just now, bright and early. :)

If I had written in the presidential candidate of my choice, she said the ballot machine would have kicked it back out to me and told me which line I had made an error on.

In this case, the line for President.

I would then have the option of getting a new ballot and filling it out correctly, or nullifying my entire ballot, as it won't accept it.

This came from customer service at the OEB.

Sounds like the information you got from a friend of a friend's friend is wrong.

Anyway, me thinks you either voted for McCain and Romney, or you didn't vote at all, since the polling machine didn't kick your ballot back. :)


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Special Hen Supporter
Jan 12, 2007
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The war in Afghanistan, Yemen, and Pakistan is against al Qaeda and its affiliate groups. Iraq was not. Also there is a striking numerical chasm between the roughly 3,000 that have been killed as a result of the drone program and continuing fighting in Afghanistan/Pakistan and the roughly 1,000,000 who died as a result of regime change in Iraq. The whole "two sides of the same coin" is pure intellectual laziness.

Also it's mind boggling that anyone could construe the President vowing to withdraw combat forces from Iraq and then doing so within his first term as "following through with ZERO of his anti-war campaign rhetoric". Remind me again how many sovereign nations this President has invaded in order to effect regime change?

Nero GolfWhisky fiddles, while Rome America burns.

Going back in time to complain about Bush is about as productive as watching paint dry. If you want to find fault with the anti-Obama side, then examine why Boehner doesn't want to pursue any of Obama's "phony" scandals. He's up to his neck in collusion with "the other side" on all this BS. he doesn't give one whit about the COnstitution or the American people. That includes McCain and Graham as well.

If you aren't calling the GOP machine on the same carpet as Obama and Reid, you're playing into the exact game the power brokers want you to play. Hint, Bush is off playing rancher again. Get over it. The bad actors are still on the active roster and they don't discriminate between (D) and (R). :(


Special Hen
Apr 20, 2013
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Well, once again, all your posturing and fairy tale land view of the world doesn't cover up the fact that you're asking every non-Democrat in Oklahoma to at least void the line for the presidential candidate.
Oklahoma would them become a Blue State,and put us farther behind.
Smooth move.

I'm pretty sure that even if I was to subscribe to a stack of magazines that none of them would be covering local Oklahoma laws for filing out ballots.

In fact, you yourself referenced a website on the internet rather than reference a magazine. :)

The information wasn't on their website, so I called the Oklahoma Election Board just now, bright and early. :)

If I had written in the presidential candidate of my choice, she said the ballot machine would have kicked it back out to me and told me which line I had made an error on.

In this case, the line for President.

I would then have the option of getting a new ballot and filling it out correctly, or nullifying my entire ballot, as it won't accept it.

This came from customer service at the OEB.

Sounds like the information you got from a friend of a friend's friend is wrong.

Anyway, me thinks you either voted for McCain and Romney, or you didn't vote at all, since the polling machine didn't kick your ballot back. :)

WessonOil, you may well be THE MOST LEGALISTIC PERSON I've ever carried on a discussion with, and I've talked to many.

I sincerely hope this is just a debate tactic you are using to manipulate less intelligent people into believing they have no Avenue available to them at the polling station to effect change; and not something you actually believe. Either way, shameful.

If it is the latter, Do you seriously think I would publicly call someone out for misrepresenting a process if I was not myself familiar with it? I even provided you with a link to the election board contact information!!! Holy smokes, the rigitity of some people's thinking never ceases to amaze me.

The machine will not accept the ballot?? Give it to a human and raise a stink if they try to manipulate you to do something that impunes your integrity AND, coincidentally, the law!

I have a charge card often rejected by "machines". The little "magnetic strip thingy" on the back is worn out. Guess what happens, a human has to manually key the numbers. It is an inconvenience for everyone involved. So too is a hand written protest vote on a ballot. And that Sir, is the beauty of the write-in protest vote and one of many reasons it will gain national attention and effect change in our archaic election statutes if done en mass.

If we were ever presented with a ballot measure asking which firearms our state wishes to ban in order to be in compliance with a hypothetical new national gun control initiative and there were two boxes to check (all handguns or all long guns), sounds like you will have us all check a box so the machine doesn't reject our ballot!! Me, I'll writ "none of the above" on my ballot, announce my vote loudly to everyone present, then light the ballot on fire and hold it high over my head so everyone can watch it burn up until the point I am Tazed prior to being beaten and stuffed in the back of a the paddy wagon stationed at the polling station for rabel rousers like me.

This legalistic rule based mindset (a strong characteristic of the German Culture where many early Americans immigrated from) is how otherwise good people wound up incinerating their neighbors in ovens. For some people, rules are rules and must be followed at all cost. That is a mindset I just don't get. Imagine if our founders had thought that way! This way of thinking is very dangerous.

"Withhold our tax payments to the Crown, ridiculous - it is against the rules!". At least all that good tea wouldn't have gone to waste in the Boston Harbor I suppose.
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Special Hen
Nov 6, 2012
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Once again, a lengthy post from Freedom@AnyCost, that is all about theory and not real world, that doesn't address a few basic facts.
Perhaps you're too young to remember.

I voted for Ross Perot in the 90's to protest Bush's lack of did about 20% of other Americans.
He was on the ballot in Oklahoma, and not a write in.
Clinton was in power for 8 years, and set the rights of gun owners back.

You'd have Oklahomans writing in the names of countless candidates to make a point, and handing over a red state to the Democrats, regardless of whether a computer or a human counts them.

So, imagine all Oklahomans who are non-Democrats writing in everything from Rush Limbaugh to that goofy Ron Paul, and helping elect Hillary Clinton in 2016.

But of course, you know there's just one write in that they should do, as we all know that whatever candidate it is you like is the same one everyone should like.

The next thing you'd be posting on down the road is that everyone should do a write just needs to be the one that YOU want them to write in. :)

So, while you're theorizing about how wonderful it would be to have everyone writing in the candidate you like, we have the Obama Administration in place..and I voted against it twice.

We're really not sure who you voted for both times, or if you really did take the time to hand your ballot to a human being.

Apparently, you didn't even know that a write in kicked back a ballot until I called and found out and posted it here.


Special Hen
Nov 6, 2012
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One of the most common mistakes I have seen for years, is the assumption by Paulites and others, that the candidate that we vote for in the Presidential election is the same candidate we endorsed in the primaries.

Many people, including myself, did not support McCain nor Romney in the primaries, but voted for them rather that Obama, Kerry, Gore, in the Presidential election.

For that matter, Hillary Clinton was the choice of the Democrats in Oklahoma in the 2008 primaries over Obama, by a tremendous margin.

An Oklahoma Democrat voting for Hillary did more to try and keep Obama out of office than someone who throws away a vote to "make a statement."

And those are just facts...not theories.

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