The union of California state employees has made it to where you retire at 80% compensation. You wonder why California is an economic hell-hole, it is due in LARGE to the California State employees union and these pensions that the taxpayers are forced to burden.
What I find hilarious is that you keep pointing to the laborers as the beneficiaries of the unions while the CEOs and desk drivers should not make the money they do. My boss has a friend that that is a CEO at a hospital near San Diego. This particular hospital was taken over by the county about 10 years ago. He is about to retire and because of the state employee pension plan, he will retire at age 55 at 80% of his compensation which will be about $340,000 year paid for by the California tax payers.
The California government has tried to step in and put a cap on the pensions down to 100-130k, but now it is being sued by the unions.
well, if all the illegals in California paid taxes, there wouldn't be a problem would there????