Who is sharing that information to the anti gunners? That is the question I'm asking.So, my wife bought her first gun recently, and for the first time ever...she got a call from that organization. She didn't answer, but they left a message and she listened, then shared it with me. They are apparently advertising that there needs to be BACKGROUND CHECKS to get a gun. My wife, who is now totally for gun rights, thought it was the stupidest thing to claim because she's seen firsthand that there ARE background checks. According to their FaceBook page, they are spreading the same message, but in one post they specify they want to strengthen them. How are they able to spin their lies with big, bold lettered banners that we need background checks like they don't already exist? They're either ignorant, or trying to exploit the ignorance of others.
Thoughts? Other stories to share? I'd love to know I'm not the only one who rolled their eyes so hard they got a headache hearing about this drivel.
The information one gives on a 4473 as I understand it goes into the FFL's file and has to be held for 10 years.
I'm not aware of how that ladies information got forwarded. That is the issue for me.