Mountain Lion

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Aug 2, 2008
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oklahoma city
I appreciate the info and am very aware of the danger, I will not be doing this by myself and I have my doubts that I will be successful in the hunt but if I can deter the animal from bothering the livestock any longer then that's the real goal. As awesome as it would be to take this big cat I hate to kill something that we have so few of. I'm first and foremost and outdoors man and animal lover and second a hunter. I have a few friends that I regularly predator hunt with and will take them with me because I absolutely do not want to be caught by surprise by myself.

I think you would be better suited to make the habitat as unpleasant to that cat as possible. If possible, move any livestock for a week or so, and make the area noisy and nerve racking. Make you some custom black powder firecrackers or use lots of road flares. Go driving around the area at all hours of the night with lots of lights. Be creative. That cat comes around because its feels safe there and believes there's easy food nearby. Show it otherwise.

Again, I don't mean to sound obtuse or offensive, but when you say "regularly hunt predator with," I truly hope you are not referring to bears or bobcats, presuming these are similar predators. Just remember one thing regarding all kinds of hunting...sight! you have to see it to hunt and kill it. African big game cats are hunted during the day--when they can be seen. Bears are hunted during the day as well. Mountain lions are nocturnal and nearly impossible to locate during the daylight, and once night falls, they practically become invisible.

Unless you're all former SOCOM or Black Ops, deter, don't hunt. Just my humble opinion as a land owner with cat reports and concerns.


Feb 13, 2011
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Well to make a long story short these people deserve the problem they have with this cat.

I went down today to see if something could or needed to actually be done about the mountain lion.

The reason they have a big cat prowling around the property is because the womans son is a no good dirty deer poacher. He has 4 buck heads cut off at the jaw laying around the property and is just leaving the bodies of the deer to rot in the field, of course you'll have predators coming onto your property if you leave out bait.

I did find the cats tracks but never saw the animal and couldn't get anything to respond to my calls except for an innocent armadillo because the son and his friend rode dirtbikes around the property the whole time we were trying to survey the land.

All in all I'm furious that people act like the victims in this situation when they are immoral dirty creatures.

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