When I was at OU in the late 80's/early 90's, I saw several folks like her in my Poli Sci courses. At the time, the Intifada was relatively new and they were vocal in their support.
Clearly, Hamas and Hizballah are terrorist organizations. However, it sure is hard for the Israelis to maintain the moral high ground when they use Uncle Hermann's tactics....
Bottom line is, I don't think we should give billions to either the Israelis or the Palestinians. Let's fix America first. Let's channel than money and effort into transforming the mentality and consequently the quality of life in our inner cities. Let's stomp out the meth and prescription drug abuse that has ravaged rural America. Let's put those billions into developing businesses here for our own people first
Quit making sense. It's not becoming of you.
Isn't it our biblical duty to support Israel?