allright guy's tell me what you think about this, I have the stuff from my garage that I am selling to clean it out AGAIN! I have this stuff posted on here as well as craigslist. I had a guy e-mail me about an electric staple gun from craigslist, we text back and forth after that. eventually we settle to meet right behind my house at the nighborhood wal-mart. for 2 reasons, one I don't trust people I do not know and they will not know where I live, and second I always take a gun ALWAYS!!! even when meeting someone I have dealt with before.
The question comes in with this, do you guy's think it is crazy to take a gun with you to meet someone you don't know and have no idea if these are there true intentions? (I more than likely already know the answer, but)
The wife rolls her eyes at me when she sees me leave with the gun because she thinks I am super paranoid!
ANYONE else have a spouse or relative like this?
The question comes in with this, do you guy's think it is crazy to take a gun with you to meet someone you don't know and have no idea if these are there true intentions? (I more than likely already know the answer, but)
The wife rolls her eyes at me when she sees me leave with the gun because she thinks I am super paranoid!
ANYONE else have a spouse or relative like this?