Neck Shots on Deer?

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Special Hen
Mar 27, 2009
Reaction score
I'm going to have to pretty much disagree with everyone on here. Neck shots are just as risky as lung shots, neither are 100%. If you want that deer dead in his tracks, there is only one way to accomplish this. Texas Heart Shot. Why shoot a passthrough shot that only has a chance of hitting a vital organ? Shoot that sucker right up the butthole! Then you can take out lungs, heart and every organ in one shot. Get him with his head down, and it will travel right up the neck and out his head. Taking that shot is a combination of lung shot, neck shot, and head shot, all in one. And if done correctly, you gut him in the process. Man, ya'll have a lot to learn.... ;)
Game Warden's question:"Did you shoot those birds on the wing?"


Special Hen
May 13, 2010
Reaction score
Hiding from all you crazy people!!!
I've been busy, but we need to discuss this.
Your statement is a basic definition of kenetic energy, that has no application as far as terminal ballistics relating to bullets and their performance on game/humans or what ever.

Bullets are constructed by the manufacturer for different applications. Fragile for varmints, medium construction for deer sized game, and heavier construction for elk, and other large animals, and finally solids for dangerous game in Africa.

Yes i realize this, I didn't really want to get into writing a novel earlier.
What I said was basic priciples indeed but its still Physics and the laws are fairly simple.
I use a NOS BT the "hunting" bullet so to speak. I built this round as a test to see how it would really work and was trying to not get pass throughs. Just a test based off what I learned in my class. I just happen to get lucky and the round did exactly what I wanted it to, and was rather devastating on deer so we ran with it.
If I was to make that same load using a Partition or AB id bet it would have went ahead and passed through. The bullet I recovered from my deer was still if fairly good shape (not just tiny pieces of copper jacket).
As far as physics go, there is no arguing the fact that pass throughs are waisted energy. Now the fact that a lot of rounds can deliver 5x the amount of energy needed to kill a deer and still pass through... Kind of makes it a moot point.
But looking at the deer on my wall right now, of the 4 I've shot with a rifle I don't remember any of them being pass throughs.
One was 135lb field dressed, broad side shoulder (a little forward) with a .243 shooting factory Remington Core locks
The other was 185lb FD, quartering away shot entered back of rib cage beside the spin with .264 WM 140 gr factory win supremes.
Next is 165lb FD, shot twice in neck (accidental, long story) and once behind the shoulder with same .264
Last years was 175ish iirc FD, the deer in my pic. With high shoulder with .300 and my hand load.
I never really purposely looked to not get pass throughs til the last one. I've just never really had any do it on bigger bucks. I've blown through some doe for sure though.

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