Ok a couple of years ago my father-in-law moved to California. On the day he moved he asked his son and some of his friends to load his trailer for him. My wife and I had to work that day so we couldn't be their. My wife gets a frantic call from her father when he gets to California because he finds out they didn't put half of the stuff he wanted to bring into the trailer. Now you have to understand at this time my father-in-law was 300lbs, could barely walk, was taking all kinds of medications, and had Alzheimer's. Turns out her brother was just having them load what he didn't want. Now on to the problem. My father-in-laws guns. He thought that some of them would be illegal in California so he didn't bring them. Turns out he can have them so he wants us to bring them to him this summer. Well he left them in the care of her brother and it turns out that he parceled the guns out to his friends. His friends do not want to give them back and her brother is saying they don't have to give them back either. Anybody have any advice?