Night owls

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Feb 12, 2009
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Under your bed
I am, how ya feelin today? Sure hope you don't have a repeat scare with that ostomy bag! A time back I had a girlfriend had a urostomy due to her ex shooting her in the gut with a .22, took a long time to heal up.
I'm feelin alright, for sure dont want none of that crap again. It isnt the first time either. Last year I went to the ER 5 times for same reason, the 5th time the Dr. wanted to do a stoma revision surgery so that was 7 long days on the hospital.
What is a urostomy? Bladder related I assume?
I hated this ostomy bad for a long time but now I like it fine as long as I dont see blood in it LOL. No blood = happy me. Thats pretty bad hu?
Jul 15, 2022
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Eufaula dam
Yep blood leaking when it ain't suppose to is never a "happy time", hope this was your one and only ER trip for the year. My spelling & proper terminology isn't what it was before I had a heat stroke 4yrs ago so excuse my wording if incorrect. Yes bladder related as the bullet hit her bladder and to aid healing & prevent sepsis they put a tube in her to carry urine out to a bag. As I recall, she only had that rig for a few months but really hated it with a passion!


Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Feb 12, 2009
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Under your bed
Yep blood leaking when it ain't suppose to is never a "happy time", hope this was your one and only ER trip for the year. My spelling & proper terminology isn't what it was before I had a heat stroke 4yrs ago so excuse my wording if incorrect. Yes bladder related as the bullet hit her bladder and to aid healing & prevent sepsis they put a tube in her to carry urine out to a bag. As I recall, she only had that rig for a few months but really hated it with a passion!
Kinda what I figured. My ex BIL had bladder cancer and had it removed so he wears the same setup for life.
May 27, 2020
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Warr Acres
Have you tried Magnesium before bed? I hear it help you sleep a longer night.
I take a prescription called Dayvigo and melatonin, which help but don't eliminate the problem. Not sure on the magnesium, we give mag sulfate to help stop premature labor and it always makes the kid pretty drowsy if they are born anyway. I'll have to run it by my doc to make sure it doesn't interfere with anything I'm on.

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