You make valid points on all.....when is stuff too much stuff? When you never use it or don't even know how to use it.Boy, thats the truth
true story - in May of '23 i was the closest to being involved in a gunfight that ive ever been since i left the Army -- sitting in my parking spot in Norman at my office finishing up listening to a podcast when shots rang out across the parking lot --- for the sake of brevity - i'll fast forward to the point where i was holding a motorcycle tie down strap around a victim's leg as high up and into his crotch area as i could get it because thats the only thing i had
Guy dove for cover behind a car which saved his life but he had what i thought were 3 new ventilation holes in his leg -- took LE 7 minutes to get there at which time they cut his pants off and relieved me with a real tourniquet -- i slowed down the bleeding from the leg but he had a 4th hole - exit wound in his ass too that i completely missed
Turned out to be domestic "baby momma dispute" problems ---
a couple months ago was able to dispense band aids and neosporin to a bunch of cyclists who hooked handlebars and went down in a sea of spandex
You never know whats gonna come your way
My trunk kit is mainly gloves, field dressings, clotting agent, gauze, the dressings able to double as tourniquet, you can never go wrong with applying pressure, and can play Dutch boy and dike with a finger, your military trauma training was also good stuff, you likely still have your manual.