Oklahoma private gun sales???

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Special Hen Supporter
Oct 14, 2021
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I can't find any straight answers online about Oklahoma private gun sales. One site says I have to "verify" the buyer IS NOT a felon.

Another says the only restriction is I have to verify the buyer is over 18.

A third site says in Oklahoma you can sell to ANYONE and it's THEIR responsibility to be a legal buyer.

Oh and then I read where the ATF says if you sell too many guns you have to get an FFL? I tried to find out how many is too many. ATF regs don't give an amount, just says if you sell "TOO MANY"

Oh and the ATF says if you make a profit you're a dealer? Well, sometimes you make a little, sometimes you lose a little and sometimes you break even. Does that mean you're a dealer?

Aside from guesses and opinions does anyone know any definitive answers?

My buddy wont sell even ONE gun because he is afraid the ATF will come banging on his door and twist it into an illegal sale. I've seen vids where they come calling wanting to look at your guns, I'm guessing they damn well have a list of every gun you bought with a background check and whatever is missing they will say you sold it and your now an unlicensed dealer!

In the course of a year I buy a couple, sell a couple, and trade a couple. Does that make me a dealer? Seems like everything is intentionally a grey area to confuse you. Ol Matt Hoover from CSR on YouTube is doing TEN YEARS for selling a flat piece of metal the size of a credit card with some lines printed on it. Supposedly if you cut out where the lines are you can make your Glock full auto? At trial the prosecution followed the cut out and it wouldn't work...he's still doing the dime though. My head is spinning.

I've seen a couple people on here say the ATF monitors this site. If that's the case we're all safe then cuz I don't think anyone ever ACTUALLY buys a gun here or sells one....


Special Hen
Jan 1, 2013
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Oklahoma has no regulations on private firearms sales, so you just have to comply with the federal laws and regs. You can’t knowingly sell to a prohibited person, but an individual has no way of verifying a buyer’s status.

As for the FFL requirements, that’s currently uncertain. Congress made a minor change to the wording of the law regarding being in the business, which, as usual, left the door open for the ATF to screw us over, and they’re doing their damnedest. The Armed Attorneys on YouTube have put out a few videos on this subject over the last six months or so, so you might look to them for guidance.

red dirt shootist

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Special Hen Supporter
Mar 15, 2023
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I believe with long guns you can sell them to anyone, handguns can only be sold to OK residents, unless you send them to an FFL in their resident state for transfer. If it's some Mexican guy I just say no gun for you.

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