Oklahoma Teens shoot Australian Baseball player "because they were bored"

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Dec 10, 2008
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Well, these children are juveniles, and their parents should be held to account, by all that's right in this world. It doesn't make a hill of beans to me if the parents are laxadisical or not; these are their children and until they are 18 or legally emancipated, the parents should step up to the plate and take the onus for what their kids have done.
Agreed, it's a really sad state when people have less responsibility for the actions of their minor children than they do for their pets.


Dec 10, 2008
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About 10-15 years worth of difference per the court system (if you chain your kid up in the yard and send the dog to the room - or so I hear). :D


ez bake

Special Hen
Sep 22, 2005
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Tulsa Area
The problem is that most violent crimes are committed within same-race categories (proportional to the crime involved - not the race as obviously there is a bit of difference in percentage of violent-crimes committed by race). So most White murderers stick with White victims, same for Black murderers and Hispanic murderers, etc...

This (like the Zimmerman/Martin case) is truly a rarity and besides the fact that I'm bustin "Feet Dry's" chops on the issue, off the cuff I'd bet either the fame of the ball-player victim or race played the pivotal part in this crime (if we're speculating).

But I try and stay neutral in incidents like this where there's little to no info and I also like to play devil's advocate in an attempt to sort of force myself to view the story from other side's viewpoint (other side from my initial gut-reaction).

I just hate to see folks succumb to the race-baiting and media-slanting by playing right into their hands and throwing out wild accusations with no basis.

In other words, I bust chops because I care.


Special Hen
Apr 30, 2009
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There used to be black folks in Duncan, at least that's what the guys I knew who grew up there said. They also said there were two sides of town across railroad tracks and neither race would venture far on either side.

Can anyone confirm that or were they full of ****?

Per the 2010 census the town is 91% white and 1% black, the rest identifying as latino, asian, and native american (which was the 2nd highest at near 9 percent). Can't comment on the historical part of it.

The problem is that most violent crimes are committed within same-race categories (proportional to the crime involved - not the race as obviously there is a bit of difference in percentage of violent-crimes committed by race). So most White murderers stick with White victims, same for Black murderers and Hispanic murderers, etc...

This (like the Zimmerman/Martin case) is truly a rarity and besides the fact that I'm bustin "Feet Dry's" chops on the issue, off the cuff I'd bet either the fame of the ball-player victim or race played the pivotal part in this crime (if we're speculating).

But I try and stay neutral in incidents like this where there's little to no info and I also like to play devil's advocate in an attempt to sort of force myself to view the story from other side's viewpoint (other side from my initial gut-reaction).

I just hate to see folks succumb to the race-baiting and media-slanting by playing right into their hands and throwing out wild accusations with no basis.

In other words, I bust chops because I care.

He was in Duncan because his girlfriend was from there and he was visiting (if I gathered my facts correctly). I doubt these shitheads in Duncan knew who he was, considering he didn't live there himself. Race may have been a part of it but statistically speaking they'd be waiting a while to find a non-white victim in Duncan. If I did the math right, there are 240 give/take African Americans in Duncan, and these kids would have been 3 of them. Finding another black person to target would be like the proverbial needle in the haystack. Even more so if you consider they, as blacks, presumably knew a large portion of the small black population in town.

Odds are he was a target because he was out jogging alone. That's more conspicuous for southern Oklahoma in August than anything else I can think of.


Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Jan 28, 2008
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Tornado Alley
These three little turds need to be erased from the face of the planet. Not a single trace left. :(

^^^ This right here is the answer to this problem.

I'm so sick of all the racial tension talk of how racially biased we are as a country. Anyone falling into this trap is just taking the bait of the race baiters. We have a black president already! He himself has proven all these arguments invalid. He was from bi-racial parents, he was from a broken home, he equates himself with "being black" even though he is only half, he made it into and through the most prestigious schools in the nation, became a lawyer, became a Senator, and became POTUS. He made it in spite of this. Yet you just hide and watch, he'll be out there with Al and Jesse preaching that minorities can't do it, even though he's PROVEN that they can.

An no locking up the parents isn't the answer. Anyone who's raised a child knows this. The real problem is what will happen to these little septic scum. They will do a few years and get out when they are 21 to continue their thuggish ways, only they will be mentored well in all things thug while incarcerated and be much better at it when they do. There's your problem right there. Strap them to a tree just like in the Hatfields and McCoys movie and shoot their asses in the back just like they did to this Australian kid.

:pissed: :explode:

ez bake

Special Hen
Sep 22, 2005
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Tulsa Area

It appears that the pics being used are not correct (or the ones used in the Melborn Herald Sun are incorrect). One of the teens appears to be white (and one of the pics of the 3 black perps being circulated is a dup of the other teen - one with a rag over his face and another without?...)

I can't tell just yet, but man this type of sloppy journalism is becoming the standard anymore isn't it? The left is busy covering up while the right is busy manufacturing facts for their story.

From a comment off of one of the facebook pages:

Missy Wolff Glisson said:
Michaels Facebook page is gone the pictures you are seeing in the link you posted are james Edwards I know all 3 of these trouble making teens all to well my kids have been in school with them since 3rd grade and its been nothing but countless police reports and meeting at schools over them the last few years.


Special Hen
Apr 30, 2009
Reaction score

It appears that the pics being used are not correct (or the ones used in the Melborn Herald Sun are incorrect). One of the teens appears to be white (and one of the pics of the 3 black perps being circulated is a dup of the other teen - one with a rag over his face and another without?...)

I can't tell just yet, but man this type of sloppy journalism is becoming the standard anymore isn't it? The left is busy covering up while the right is busy manufacturing facts for their story.

The Aussie news had the the same "gang banger" pics posted on their sites just a few hours ago, but changed them. The link I posted from news.co.au specifically. Can't link anything but I can vouch for seeing it on that page earlier (for whatever that is worth).

At least crappy journalism is universal worldwide.


Special Hen
Dec 17, 2010
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Spring, TX
If my dog gets out of my yard and bites someone, I'm still held responsible

Is this seriously the comparison you are going to make? It is socially acceptable to chain your dog up in your yard and leave it when you cant actively pay it attention. It is not socially acceptable to do the same to your kid.

Plus some(I almost wrote most but today who the $%&^ knows) 15 year old boys are smarter than a dog. They can figure out how to take a collar off and open the fence gate to your yard.

Poor poor comparison.
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