One Suppressor mount… what do you pick?

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Special Hen
Jul 24, 2022
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I have the Keymo system on my Nomad 30 can. I recently had and incident with a baffle strike that has been sent back to the factory for repair. I’ve had the can for several years and swap it from 308 to 223 rifles. I have the Keymo muzzle adapters on all my long guns.

When I went to my gun store I got a bit of an education. Hopefully this will help someone else on this forum.

When taking the can off of a rifle while still hot, it doesn’t always thread off the same as it goes on. Mine had a tendency to slide and uncouple from the rifle before it would thread off and be removable from the gun. I never felt it could have a detrimental effect on the Keymo itself. My shop told me the locking cams can get rounded off by wear and loosen over time and sometimes need replacement due to wear. Especially during heavy or prolonged usage.

In hind site, I felt the system wasn’t compressing all the way lately. My strike occurred after just a few shots. I noticed the can was loose on the end of my rifle. That’s when I noticed the baffle strike. It must have been loose causing the glancing strike. I didn’t feel the strike when it occured.

I will be using the supplied spanner wrenches when installing and removing the can in the future to avoid and undue wear to the mating surfaces in the future. Hope this helps someone.

If the factory gives me any feedback as to the event, I will post it here.

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