Sounds like my back yard. WE don't have any trees at all. But, the neighbor behind us has plenty and, of course, he does not take care of them. I had our son and grandson over Sunday to trim all the crap hanging over our fence, and it made a world of difference. Of course, it won't last. And, those trees are going to ruin our fence. The roots have already started pushing under the fence in a few places, and have a sizeable portion of the east fence leaning in.
Enjoy it while we got it!
I just learned the neighbors are mad at the tree trimmer. He "did too much". If that is true they are REALLY gonna be pissed because there are some branches that are hanging over the fence line by about a foot. Guess who hired that trimmer to come back and take all that **** out to the fenceline ... Sometimes assholes DO get what they deserve ...