Palin! She's Got Balls!

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Special Hen
May 1, 2011
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Meh, she's just another politician that is always campaigning for something.

She says what she thinks that those paying her to show up want to hear, and then moves on to the next gig.

At least she is saying what I want to hear. Obama usually says the opposite of what I like to hear.


Special Hen
Jun 4, 2009
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Here, but occasionally There.
With regards to Palin's "performance" during the 2008 election cycle, she was drawing much bigger crowds than McCain was. She was also willing to go "into the lion's den" of strong Democratic Party states and campaign. However, McCain and his lackeys couldn't abide her being able to do that. Years ago, even before the 2008 elections, I ran across an article that ran in an Alaska magazine, in which they spelled out how she took British Petroleum to task, even after a prior agreement, and got more concessions for Alaskan citizens.

The media and the Democratic Party leadership fully recognized her as a very strong conservative that could have hurt them badly. That is why they worked so hard to paint her in a negative light. Even the comment about "seeing Russia from her house" was not attributed to her. That was Tina Fey playing the part of Palin.

Remember, Democrats of all stripes (leadership or otherwise) recognize that strong conservatives have to be constantly attacked and lied about. It even appears here on OSA.

Now, if those wishing to detract from her abilities and qualities would like to provide us with factual evidence, I'm certainly willing to look it over. While I willingly and intentionally bash a number of Democrats in leadership and other high positions, it is usually with evidence of what they have done.

EDIT: I erred slightly. I said the article was in Alaska magazine about the negotiations with BP, but it was actually from another source. Unfortunately, the article is too big to embed within the forums, so I'll just provide a link instead:

A Negotiator Without Preconditions

The article describes the "power" that British Petroleum was used to having with regards to countries and governments. Pretty impressive that Sarah Palin took them to task.
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Special Hen
Feb 22, 2009
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Palin is nothing more than a camera seeking bimbo. She's as bright as a black hole and doesn't have the sense god gave a rock. She would do and say anything to keep the cameras on her and, personally, I find her a disgrace to politics and considering that bar that is set pretty high by other politicians that's saying something. The only reason she was even picked as a VP candidate was because being pretty gathers male votes and they thought they would get a much higher female vote. It worked by gaining a lot of male votes but it was an utter failure in trying to gather women's votes because most women just saw her as a brainless bimbo being manipulated to try and get their vote.

She was still a better choice than her RINO running mate that the media selected for the party, threw that election on purpose.

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