Poll: Marijuana Law Reform

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Do you support allowing physician-authorized patients to consume therapeutic cannabis

  • yes

    Votes: 278 79.7%
  • no

    Votes: 71 20.3%

  • Total voters

Danny Tanner

Special Hen
Jan 26, 2010
Reaction score
Edmond, Oklahoma, United States

Personally, I think that everyone that wants to legalize drugs should be required to work in a drug rehabilitation facility. I'd like to know what their ideas would be after spending a year watching all of that.

Are there lots of marijuana-only consuming individuals in rehab? If so, are they there under their own will to escape the spiraling burden of Funyuns and gallons of chocolate milk or are they being forced into rehab in order to keep state $$$ flowing and pad political numbers, and most importantly, avoid incarceration?

I don't know a lot of weed-injecting, Sativa-snorting, Devil grass junkies, but the ones I do are not out there on the streets stealing cash, pawning stolen items for cash, prostituting for cash, or even simply begging for cash in order to keep afloat an addiction to which they're anchored. I would bet the sad stories you're referring to are those addicted to Rx meds or man-made crap drugs slapped together in some white trash dude's trailer.

While they have backgrounds in draining their savings accounts, stealing, prostituting, losing their families, their jobs, their homes, etc, all due to their addiction, you have Darryl the Doper over there telling everyone how he smoked a joint and before he knew it, he had watched three whole episodes of Spongebob and ate an entire bag of Family Size Cool Ranch Doritos.

Danny Tanner

Special Hen
Jan 26, 2010
Reaction score
Edmond, Oklahoma, United States
Freedom when it does not harm others. Owning a firearm is a lot less likely to make you harm somebody then getting stoned will.

I would love to see an unbiased poll of real healthcare workers and LEOs on legalizing drugs. I bet both would be heavily against because of seeing the results of drug use. (yes I used to be a healthcare worker)

Https://www.LEAP.cc (Law Enforcement Against Prohibition)
http://www.thedailybeast.com/newswe...juana-will-the-justice-department-follow.html The American Medical Association reconsiders Marijuana's Schedule 1 status.

Did you also ignore the video of Dr. Gupta?

While not necessarily a poll, this should at least be a sign to you that even LEOs and doctors are recognizing the benefits of at least decriminalization as well as seeing the harm of criminalization.

If you trust the opinion of a politician in a fancy suit over the countless doctors out there fighting for anything from more studies to all out legalization, then that common sense that you're looking for needs to be glued to your head once it's found.

I disagree, to me it makes perfect sense along with about half the country. The weekly threads at a gun forum pushing to legalize drugs is a better example.

The fact that this topic pops up on a gun forum and is always more PRO than ANTI should be a sign that everyone is coming to their senses and they're tired of fighting a plant and they're sick of throwing money into a losing war. Even if you don't consume it, surely you're against billions of our tax dollars wasted on investigating, prosecuting, and incarcerating marijuana offenders?


Special Hen
May 9, 2009
Reaction score
Are there lots of marijuana-only consuming individuals in rehab? If so, are they there under their own will to escape the spiraling burden of Funyuns and gallons of chocolate milk or are they being forced into rehab in order to keep state $$$ flowing and pad political numbers, and most importantly, avoid incarceration?

I don't know a lot of weed-injecting, Sativa-snorting, Devil grass junkies, but the ones I do are not out there on the streets stealing cash, pawning stolen items for cash, prostituting for cash, or even simply begging for cash in order to keep afloat an addiction to which they're anchored. I would bet the sad stories you're referring to are those addicted to Rx meds or man-made crap drugs slapped together in some white trash dude's trailer.

While they have backgrounds in draining their savings accounts, stealing, prostituting, losing their families, their jobs, their homes, etc, all due to their addiction, you have Darryl the Doper over there telling everyone how he smoked a joint and before he knew it, he had watched three whole episodes of Spongebob and ate an entire bag of Family Size Cool Ranch Doritos.

Someone with sensi finally.... I mean sense...

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