Poll: Marijuana Law Reform

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Do you support allowing physician-authorized patients to consume therapeutic cannabis

  • yes

    Votes: 278 79.7%
  • no

    Votes: 71 20.3%

  • Total voters


Special Hen
Aug 5, 2008
Reaction score
Getting stoned is not an essential liberty for anybody with a working brain. It does seem to be one to the "I want what I want and screw everything else." crowd.

I want what I want which is to decide whats best for others and control their lives, the hue and cry of the democrats through social programs and redistribution of wealth or the republicans via legislation of morality.

I did not say smoking weed was an essential liberty. Your original post which I quoted led me to infer that you were claiming marijuana laws were somehow keeping us safe. What they are is an infringement of certain unalienable rights, to be specific liberty. I choose liberty and the responsibility for my own personal safety and that of those I care for over the illusory safety that comes from sacrificing liberty.

Here is your original text once again for context.

Some days I can not wait for some people to wake up to the real world instead of their little dream world where everything is just peachy and people can be trusted to do the right thing without hurting others. Strangely enough these are some of the same people who insist on being heavily armed everywhere they go because people can not be trusted to do the right thing without hurting others.

I say make it all legal. It's no secret I have used meth in my past doctors started me on it at 8 Took it away when I was 14 and amazingly enough it wasn't that hard to find crank as a teenager, I've also tried cocaine and acid, didn't like them much and I tried weed much later in life so the gateway argument is BS in my case. I never had to commit crimes against others to get drugs I was always a functional doper that worked hard for my drugs, or made them at times. Had I been arrested I would be a felon today. There but for the grace of God go I. So I see it from a whole different perspective why make someone a criminal when help and understanding and a little compassion can do more to help a fellow man than incarcerating them will do? Those who can't be helped are going to destroy themselves anyway so why force them to harm others to obtain the means of their self destruction.

Do I currently smoke pot for any reason? The answer is no because I can not risk being a felon. Do I see worth while benefits to it yes I do. Ask any migraine sufferer that's taken massive amounts of prescription pills with nasty side effects that has tried weed and found that it works which they would prefer to have. Ask a woman who deals with extremely difficult menstrual cycles if it helps with the nausea and pain more effectively than pills. Ask insomniacs that have dealt with the side effects of prescription sleep aids which they would rather have, ask those who suffer from social anxiety disorders if they would rather have a prescription or smoke a little weed. Even if there were no medicinal benefits whether real or perceived alcohol which is legal, can be overdosed on and is extremely hard on the liver is perfectly legal yet weed which is virtually impossible to OD on, and does not impair liver function is illegal. Look up the LD50 dosage for marijuana and then try to justify legal alcohol vs illegal weed for recreational purposes.

I find it interesting that of the current 133 respondents to the poll posted on a forum that is typically the bastion of the classical moral majority that 104 of them have said yes to some form of legalization. What is it in you RickN that desires to control the lives of others? What makes you so narrow minded?
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Special Hen
May 27, 2013
Reaction score
I want what I want which is to decide whats best for others and control their lives, the hue and cry of the democrats through social programs and redistribution of wealth or the republicans via legislation of morality.

I did not say smoking weed was an essential liberty. Your original post which I quoted led me to infer that you were claiming marijuana laws were somehow keeping us safe. What they are is an infringement of certain unalienable rights, to be specific liberty. I choose liberty and the responsibility for my own personal safety and that of those I care for over the illusory safety that comes from sacrificing liberty.

Here is your original text once again for context.

I say make it all legal. It's no secret I have used meth in my past doctors started me on it at 8 Took it away when I was 14 and amazingly enough it wasn't that hard to find crank as a teenager, I've also tried cocaine and acid, didn't like them much and I tried weed much later in life so the gateway argument is BS in my case. I never had to commit crimes against others to get drugs I was always a functional doper that worked hard for my drugs, or made them at times. Had I been arrested I would be a felon today. There but for the grace of God go I. So I see it from a whole different perspective why make someone a criminal when help and understanding and a little compassion can do more to help a fellow man than incarcerating them will do? Those who can't be helped are going to destroy themselves anyway so why force them to harm others to obtain the means of their self destruction.

Do I currently smoke pot for any reason? The answer is no because I can not risk being a felon. Do I see worth while benefits to it yes I do. Ask any migraine sufferer that's taken massive amounts of prescription pills with nasty side effects that has tried weed and found that it works which they would prefer to have. Ask a woman who deals with extremely difficult menstrual cycles if it helps with the nausea and pain more effectively than pills. Ask insomniacs that have dealt with the side effects of prescription sleep aids which they would rather have, ask those who suffer from social anxiety disorders if they would rather have a prescription or smoke a little weed. Even if there were no medicinal benefits whether real or perceived alcohol which is legal, can be overdosed on and is extremely hard on the liver is perfectly legal yet weed which is virtually impossible to OD on, and does not impair liver function is illegal. Look up the LD50 dosage for marijuana and then try to justify legal alcohol vs illegal weed for recreational purposes.

I find it interesting that of the current 133 respondents to the pole posted on a forum that is typically the bastion of the classical moral majority that 104 of them have said yes to some form of legalization. What is it in you RickN that desires to control the lives of others? What makes you so narrow minded?
well said


Special Hen
Oct 1, 2005
Reaction score
Getting stoned is not an essential liberty for anybody with a working brain. It does seem to be one to the "I want what I want and screw everything else." crowd.

Governments of every kind have been trying to legislate responsible behaviors, attitudes, culture etc since the beginning of time; mostly unsuccessfuly.

Those who want to get stoned will continue to do it regardless of the law.

All a law accomplishes is to infringe on freedom and increase crime.

The reality of law is that responsible, honest, moral people don't need it and irresponsible, dishonest and immoral people won't obey it.

The only people really impacted by law are the cowards among us not willing to suffer the penalties imposed by law for getting caught doing what they really want to do.

OH and only government and our masters that run it really benefit - as Ayn Rand said:

The only power any government has is the power to crack down on criminals. Well, when there aren't enough criminals, one makes them. One declares so many things to be a crime that it becomes impossible for men to live without breaking laws.

We have more than enough laws. Too many in fact. Less is better.

Shootin 4 Fun

Special Hen
Feb 23, 2009
Reaction score
Getting stoned is not an essential liberty for anybody with a working brain. It does seem to be one to the "I want what I want and screw everything else." crowd.

Trust me, there are much more intelligent people than you who smoke marijuana on a regular or recreational basis.

In my mother's final days I would have done anything to find her some relief as she died from cancer, fortunately, an old friend went to visit her and I never had to risk being arrested and charged with a felony. The medicinal value of marijuana brought her relief from physical pain, emotional stress (of knowing that she was dying) and allowed her to laugh out loud.

Attitudes and lack of common sense such as yours are the reason the republican party sucks dinosaur balls.


Eye Bleach Salesman
Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Sep 7, 2009
Reaction score
Trust me, there are much more intelligent people than you who smoke marijuana on a regular or recreational basis.

In my mother's final days I would have done anything to find her some relief as she died from cancer, fortunately, an old friend went to visit her and I never had to risk being arrested and charged with a felony. The medicinal value of marijuana brought her relief from physical pain, emotional stress (of knowing that she was dying) and allowed her to laugh out loud.

Attitudes and lack of common sense such as yours are the reason the republican party sucks dinosaur balls.

Which is why my very first post in this thread said what it did, but that is not good enough for those deluding themselves into thinking legalizing drugs is going to help anything. Many of you just want to legally get stoned and will resort to any twisted argument to get what you want the same as the gun grabbers. You can keep arguing for it all you want but you will not change my mind or get me to stop speaking it.

Good night, good luck, and do not play with your firearms while stoned or drinking.

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