what a crock of bull! why is heroin even in the same discussion as pot?
the only folks I'm aware of that's got their lives destroyed by pot .. resulted from getting arrested for pot. NOT from consuming pot ... freaking unbelievable that folks actually believe the lies about pot.
pot should be compared to alcohol NOT heroin ... actually pot is substantially less harmful than alcohol.
the fact that pot is illegal is due to politics .. NOT factual basis .. it's all a big LIE!
sorry no matter how many time a lie is told .. it's still a lie.
evidently the big lie has succeeded in making folks like you believe that pot should be compared to heroin. (both schedule 1)
Philip Seymour Hoffman was a major star .. anything to do with him makes the news .. so what?
Again those people got arrested for possessing, buying,or attempting to sell an illegal substance.