true story, i **** you not.
One evening i was working late at the shop working on a customer's ar. He had a spent casing lodged in the chamber and wanted a deep cleaning....anyway, i'm scrubbing the barrel and a red dot appears on my hand. I was like "oh ****" so i barrel rolled off of my stool and drew my trusty charter arms bulldog in 44 special, but there was nobody there. After securing the building i returned to scrubbing the barrel and what do you know, the dot appeared on the back of my hand again. Barrel roll, rinse and repeat. The third time the dot appeared on my hand, i realized that the vertical fore grip on the tactical rig i was cleaning was a crimson trace.
Everything in this post is true except for the barrel roll part, it was more of a turn my head and look over my shoulder for keelty, that's just the kind of thing that he would do.
bha ha ha ha