Posting Political (and other) Points of View - a Reminder

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In Remembrance / Dec 27 2021
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Jan 16, 2010
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Yukon, OK
Lately, there have been many posts made in various threads about such topics as censorship, government overreach, and the suppression of free speech. Some are posting what I can only call "on the fringe" comments about such things as the Jan 6 riots and advocating change (overthrow?) to our country. I have cautioned, by PM for the most part, some members about how volatile some things that have been said could be. I have seen numerous comments made with the phrase “stop the steal” and so on that could be a catchphrase that could cause us trouble when it gets picked up by outside eyes. I remind you; this is a public forum. One does not have to be a registered member to monitor or read what's posted here.

I am not saying that you can't post your political opinions, I'm saying to follow the rules in doing so. I also suggest that if you believe that we are on the verge of more extreme disorderly conduct or even possibly armed conflict to carefully think about what you have to say before you start hitting the keyboard. If you advocate breaking the law or seizing control through armed means, keep it to yourself or move it over to an extremist forum. OSA is not the place to urge others to take action outside the law with regards to the government or to individuals within it. Don't bring unwanted attention to either yourself, or to OSA. Even some of the user names currently used could be a red flag to outsiders. (Is yours one of them?) Please, let's be civil and smart about what we say here. I remind you again that one does not have to be a registered member to monitor or read what's posted.

Also, the mods have been very lenient lately with the use of language and what we call "bypassing the site censor" but I am going to ask them to tighten it up by the use of Reminders, Warnings, and by deleting threads and posts that run counter to our Terms of Service and the Site Rules. Too many discussions lately, particularly in this section, have spiraled down to borderline and outright personal attacks on each other. That needs to end please. How it ends is up to each individual member.


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Oct 9, 2012
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"I have seen numerous comments made with the phrase “stop the steal” and so on that could be a catchphrase that could cause us trouble"

Is that verboten verbiage now? Can we still say Voldemort?


Unarmed boating accident survivor
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Special Hen Supporter
Dec 22, 2017
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"I have seen numerous comments made with the phrase “stop the steal” and so on that could be a catchphrase that could cause us trouble"

Is that verboten verbiage now? Can we still say Voldemort?
It’s a slippery slope ain’t it. When I read “black lives matter”, I see burning, looting, rioting and hear awful chants. I guess I’ll just figure such is life and go on about my business as best I can.


Unarmed boating accident survivor
Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Dec 22, 2017
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Great advice @druryj
I for one value this forum. It is something I do not want to see go away. No matter how we “feel” we need to be careful in what we say on this PUBLIC forum.
Yup. Learned at a young age that I might get away with having my feet on the furniture at home but at someone else’s home I better be on my best behavior and “overly civilized”.

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