This is easy. Here is the question: If this guy was a private-sector employee, and his employment was purely merit-based,
and you were his employer, would he still have his job?
If you were hiring someone to run our country, why would you hire Romney, based on his record?
This is even easier. If you are a citizen voter, would you vote to replace Obama with a guy who has no conservative values, has no real plan for anything, who's claim to fame is saving the Salt Lake Olympics(as if we would have cancelled). His record as a Politician sucks. Anyone who is not a rabid Republican can admit this. Anyone who understands politics knows Romneys record as a public office seeker is lacking any real credibility.
Romneys tax plan is not a option if we really care about the debt or rebuilding our decaying infastructure. Taxes and a tax increase must happen. Its not about whats fair, its about reducing the debt and maintaining our structure. Congress must be held accountable, not the President.
Any other time Romney would never have a remote chance, except this time. Obama never had a chance to be a legitimate President because of the divisiveness of the both political parties. Romney brings nothing to the table to fix the problem, again it falls on our own(Ok) Reps.
Romney is the GOPs choice to lose this election, much like trotting out Dole during the Clinton era.
So in the end the question is easy. Do you vote for Romney, who will not be a good President, based on his record, who will carry OK and our electorial votes OR do you vote for Obama who will probably win based on political stratagy? Doesnt matter really, does it?
I say just dont re-elect our incumbent Congressmen and Senators. Force them to govern in spite of a lame duck President. Force them to negotiate like politicians are supposed to.