PS4-Play Station 4...???

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Special Hen
Aug 14, 2012
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You still gonna be saying that if the always-on DRM rumors are true?

I have no idea what that means lmao... I'm not a "gamer", I play the one title everyone else does. Whatever the current Call of Duty is. Military buddies in Lawton got me into it as a way to "hang" with them without driving three hours lol.


Special Hen
Nov 24, 2009
Reaction score
Hey All,

I'm keeping an eye open on my PS3 for next years NFL-Ticket package PS3 offers and wondered about it for 2013 NFL Season. Wife won't let me have Direct TV in my man-cave(we have Cox) so I used the PS3-NFL ticket last season.

Looking up PS3 football season(yes, I'm early..just looking) and noticed Sony is talking about their PS4.

I don't believe Sony has released "real" pictures of the PS4...yet. What I'm wondering is when will Sony cut off PS3 service(NFL Ticket-NBA/NHL) and start promoting the PS4??

I'm not a computer guru by any means...but reading about the PS4 and it's gaming. Will they offer "DVD"/"CD" type games?? From what I'm reading they'll be (from Wikipedia) more streaming games through the internet from Sony's "store" or database?? So you download the game from them...cutting out BestBuy, Gamestop and whoever else sells Play Station games??

"The PlayStation Network (PSN) will allow players on the PS4 to access a variety of cloud-based services from the PlayStation Store including Sony's Music Unlimited and Video Unlimited subscription services. Customers can browse titles on the PlayStation Store and stream games via Gaikai to try them out nearly instantaneously".

"The system will feature downloadable content including complete games, similar to what's available on the PlayStation Portable, PlayStation Vita and PlayStation 3. All PlayStation 4 retail games will be downloadable. When a game is purchased, only a portion has to be downloaded before it can be played.The remaining part downloads during gameplay. This is accomplished via the system's secondary background processor. The PS4 will feature technology that attempts to determine games a player is likely to purchase next, and then automatically downloads those titles in the background in an effort to save time.

So...sports games watched through this system will be just like quality, clarity, and definition...maybe better?? All I use my PS3 for is movies and the NFL-Ticket.

You computer folks, explain some of this to me and what quality a person would have by purchasing this contraption...layman's terms..please.

Is this just a ripoff, a ploy to get parents to buy this item??


The services for the PS3 won't be cut off. If you pay for the NFL ticket, then you will get the entire season, or whatever comes with that service. Sony has a wonderful track record of supporting their gaming systems. Hell, the PS2 was still being supported by Sony in December 2012. So you'll be fine. And the PS4 will have improvements in gaming visuals, but not in video visuals. The user interface will most likely see a dramatic change, so it might be easier to use than your current PS3. But if you only use it for watching movies and sports, then you definitely don't need to worry about upgrading anytime soon.


Special Hen
Nov 24, 2009
Reaction score
I have no idea what that means lmao... I'm not a "gamer", I play the one title everyone else does. Whatever the current Call of Duty is. Military buddies in Lawton got me into it as a way to "hang" with them without driving three hours lol.

He is referring to recent rumors about the new xbox, which have yet to be confirmed but are highly likely to be true. developers are saying that the new xbox will require the user to have an internet connection AT ALL TIMES while they play a game. the idea behind this is so that people cannot play pirated games, or possibly even used games bought at a store like Game Stop. the problem with this is that internet and networks go out all the time, so people will have a big shiny box under their TV that won't be worth anything if that happens. btw, DRM stands for digital rights management, which is what game developers use to try to prevent games from being stolen


Special Hen
Feb 12, 2009
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I have no idea what that means lmao... I'm not a "gamer", I play the one title everyone else does. Whatever the current Call of Duty is. Military buddies in Lawton got me into it as a way to "hang" with them without driving three hours lol.

DRM = digital rights management. Always-on DRM = you have to be connected to the internet to play the games you've already paid for. If your xbox can't communicate with the server, it's as good as an expensive brick. Even if it's not a online multiplayer game, you still need internet.


Special Hen
Dec 23, 2009
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The PS4 lost my interest when they said there would be no backwards compatibility whatsoever. Not even on PSN. There are too many PS3 games I like to play and have downloaded on the PS3 to give up.


Special Hen
Feb 12, 2009
Reaction score
The PS4 lost my interest when they said there would be no backwards compatibility whatsoever. Not even on PSN. There are too many PS3 games I like to play and have downloaded on the PS3 to give up.

I'm pretty much in the same boat.

I don't see why every new system has to try and be an "entertainment hub". All I need a Playstation to do is play Playstation games.


Special Hen
Nov 24, 2009
Reaction score
I'm pretty much in the same boat.

I don't see why every new system has to try and be an "entertainment hub". All I need a Playstation to do is play Playstation games.

while i agree that no backwards compatability sucks, i understand why. the ps3 uses a completely different architecture, which would require the ps4 to be a lot more expensive if they decided to include it. i'm sure you'll still want to play your ps3 games at the start of the generation, so why not keep the ps3 and ps4 both hooked up to the tv? and after a year or so and all the awesome games that are out for ps4, you won't even look back. when's the last time you got serious about playing ps2 games?


Special Hen
Dec 23, 2009
Reaction score
I still have my PS2 hooked up in the bedroom. I will never get rid of it, too many great games out on it. All the games I want that are coming out in the near future will be on PS3 so there is no reason for me to get a PS4 for a long while. I know that Playstation won't stop making PS3 games for a couple years so I can milk that out for sports games, plus the other games I play won't come out with another title until a year or so after PS4 gets released. So I can wait on the PS4 until there are comprehensive reviews and that will let the price settle down to a more reasonable level as well.

BigGoose62;2160582]while i agree that no backwards compatability sucks, i understand why. the ps3 uses a completely different architecture, which would require the ps4 to be a lot more expensive if they decided to include it. i'm sure you'll still want to play your ps3 games at the start of the generation, so why not keep the ps3 and ps4 both hooked up to the tv? and after a year or so and all the awesome games that are out for ps4, you won't even look back. when's the last time you got serious about playing ps2 games?

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