Probably a lot of speculation here, but it's going to make wait times at the doctors office longer because more people are going to be there because they have a head cold and they can go because they have "free" healthcare (need revise the word "free" in the new dictionary), this is going to cut my time with the doctor, more people are not going to have to find a job now since they have "free" healtcare putting a burden on us taxpaying citizens and the economy and the deficit causing more taxes to supply this black hole of a law. When my employer stops covering my healthcare insurance like others companies have already stated they will, I'll get a doctor assigned to me by the gov. that will have to go through all of the piles of red tape that the gov. has put in his way, and take longer to get serious treatmen, then instead of fighting with private insurance over medical bills, I'll have to fight someone who is paid by the already taxed government. Ever had to deal with the government? What else...I already mentioned the deficit. I'm sure there are other things that I'm missing. That's all speculation on my side, I'll have to see what happens in the future, but those are my concerns. Did I say anything about increased medical cost to pay for those leeches of society who don't want to work to get their "free" healtcare?
Please provide to me some more information about this "free" health insurance. I am always on the lookout for "free", i post for free samples every chance i get, sometimes i get good stuff, sometimes junk. But i had not heard about this "free" health insurance till i read your post. I want to check into this "free" no cost to me health insurance to see if it will be a viable alternative, so please reply back as I am sure others will be interested where to find this "free' insurance, or were you just blowing hot air out your arse.